CREDO Mobile supports Banned Books Week in the fight against censorship

Book bans are in the news. But they’re not new. They’re yet another crusade by conservative extremists to tell the rest of us what we can think and do. The right-wing book-banners and the wealthy conservatives who fund them know that censorship in schools is detrimental to education and, ultimately, impedes the progress of our society.
That’s the whole point—halting progress. And that’s why most of us want right-wing groups to keep their hands off our books and stop trying to control the minds of young people. In fact, 73% of Americans oppose book bans. But we must do more than oppose. We must act. We must show up at schools and libraries, contact our elected officials, write letters to the editor and make our voice heard.
We can also unite around events like Banned Books Week, October 1-7, 2023, an annual event that advocates the value of free and open access to information and brings together the entire book community—librarians, educators, authors, publishers, booksellers and readers of all types—in support of the freedom to seek and express ideas.
CREDO Mobile stands against censorship. That’s why we’re a proud backer of Banned Books Week. And that’s why we just put up a list of banned books in the CREDO Mobile bookstore at
To learn more about book bans and how we can stop them, read our post on the CREDO Mobile blog.
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