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Friday, October 6th, 2023


Corrupt Political Influence on Military Intelligence and Its Fundamental Role in State Propaganda

Karen Kwiatkowski

The GloboCap Nazi Follies

CJ Hopkins

Unwinding the Financial System

Alasdair Macleod

Archbishop Viganò: Catholics Must Seriously Consider the Possibility that Francis Isn’t the Pope

LifeSite News

Can the States Save the Union?

Gib Kerr

Hat’s Off to Matt Gaetz

Paul Craig Roberts

The Left Is Now Telling Us (Ukrainian) Nazis Aren’t So Bad After All

Ryan McMaken

War Is a Racket: UK Advises Zelensky to Enlist Young Ukrainian Recruits as Arms Companies Ink Deals in Kiev

Robert Bridge

Ruling Class Plans To “Fix” The Wealth Gap by Enslaving Everyone With CBDC

Mac Slavo

Our Revolting Elites

Charles Hugh Smith

The Welfare-Warfare State’s War on Income and Savings

Jacob G. Hornberger

We Have Reached the Terminal Phase of the Greatest Debt Spiral in the History of the Human Race

Michael Snyder

Political Theatre

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