Hello, John! Here is your monthly update from Prevention First about programs, training, resources and prevention news from trusted sources.
 “I think that the power is the principle. The principle of moving forward, as though you have the confidence to move forward, eventually gives you confidence when you look back and see what you’ve done.”

― Robert Downey Jr.
Prescription Opioid Overdose is Not Uncommon
Prevention First's 'A Dose of Truth' campaign has released their third informative video ad highlighting the risks of prescription opioids. "Prescription Opioid Overdose is Not Uncommon" shows us why you should be just as cautious with prescription opioids as you are with car accidents and fires.

Visit ADoseofTruthIL.com to learn more about the dangers of prescription opioids.
While you're there be sure to check out the other two informative videos.
Minor in Possession

Communities with local ordinances that address underage alcohol purchase, possession, and consumption provide law enforcement with an easier and more effective method of enforcement than relying solely on the State Statute. Additionally, the adoption of a local Minor is Possession ordinance sends a message to the community, and to youth, that youth alcohol use is unacceptable and can serve to change community norms regarding underage drinking. The Alcohol Policy Resource Center at Prevention First is here to assist you, your coalition, and your community identify the issues as well as how to pass a successful ordinance.  If you have any questions, please contact Kellie Henrichs or Jody Heavilin.

Please join us on March 10th at 10:00am for the Minor in Possession Laws and Ordinances webinar. 

For more information on Minor in Possession ordinances check out our fact sheets on Minor in Possession Ordinances and Minor in Possession State Statutes.  

IL SADD is excited to announce the selection of our 2019-2020 Student Advisory Board (SAB). Chosen from a pool of highly qualified applicants, who will represent SADD students in chapters across the State. The SAB is busy researching the SADD Focus Areas and will help to plan the IL SADD educational conference. Conference information will be coming out soon!

Congratulations to the following SAB members and towns/cities they represent!

  • Victoria Ashmore, Savannah
  • Caylie Heisler, Savannah
  • Annabelle Bowman, Belleville
  • Josie McClellan, Jewett
  • Morgan Elliff, Belleville
  • Alyssa McDaniel, Gillespie
  • Hannah Barrett, Gillespie
  • Hanna Bray, Gillespie
  • Emmaly Martin, Clifton
  • Autumn Jordan, Clifton
  • Audrey Schunke, Chebanse
  • Amari Flowers, Bloomington
  • Gustavo Jordan, Northlake
  • Abigail Blakely, Millstadt
  • Joshua McWhorter, Belleville
  • Ben Heisler, Savannah
  • Mason Stults, Jewett
  • Breanne Mull (College Member), Maryville
  • Luigi Cabantog (College Member), Westerchester 
Drug Take Back Day - April 2020

Start gathering your expired/unused prescription drugs and over-the-counter medication for safe disposal. The DEA's national Drug Take Back Day event is right around the corner. We will be hosting a drop location at Prevention First headquarters, 2800 Montvale Dr. in Springfield on April 25th from 10am - 2pm.

Want to help get the word out? Consider downloading and printing the above flyer.

Join National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) in celebrating the 10th anniversary of NDAFW

Mark your calendars for a week of SHATTERING THE MYTHS® about drugs, alcohol, and addiction from Monday, March 30, to Sunday, April 5, 2020. NDAFW is a national health observance linking teens to science-based facts about drugs and alcohol.

Register Now for National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (NDAFW) in March.

Click Here for more information
They were young. They thought they had time. Then...

INDIANAPOLIS - Although Rachel Martin would never deny she had a drinking problem, she figured years would pass before it would take a toll on her health. After all, she had not yet hit 40 and she had managed to eke out two years of complete...

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The Urgent Search For Medications To Treat Meth

Overdose deaths tied to opioids are down slightly in Massachusetts and across the nation as a whole. But deaths involving stimulants, cocaine and methamphetamine, are way up. The Centers for Disease Control says fatal cocaine related overdoses...

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Prevention First
Upcoming Training

CSUPS Provider
Spring Networking Event

Planning and Implementing
Communication Campaigns

SUPS Provider
Spring Networking Event

Conducting Focus Groups

SUPS Provider
Spring Networking Event

SUPS Provider
Spring Networking Event

A Framework for Prevention

Action Planning for Successful
Prevention Programs

Establishing and Leading a
Youth Advisory Committee

If you have any questions about training please contact Anne Cox,
SAP TTA Manager at [email protected]

If you've registered and cannot attend Click Here for directions on cancelling your registration.
Technical Assistance from Prevention First

The technical assistance offered at Prevention First expands professional development beyond training to assist substance use prevention providers in applying what they have learned in their communities. Timely, flexible and provider-tailored technical assistance is available to meet the individual needs of providers. For more information about technical assistance or other services we offer, click Email Provider Services.
Webinars at
Prevention First

Perhaps you were busy during the live webinar...or didn't know when it was scheduled. We've got ya covered!

Check out the Recorded Webinar tab in the SUPP Training Events. In each description is a link to the recording. Simply complete the registration and submit. The recording will begin and you are ready to go! NOTE: No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Planning & Implementing
Communication Campaigns

This training introduces direct service providers to the basic skills, information and concepts needed to plan and implement effective communication campaigns. This course specifically relates the process of campaign development to preventing youth alcohol and marijuana use. Participants will learn about the steps and best practices involved in campaign planning and implementation.
Note: Per IDHS SUPP Leadership, this
training is required for all SUPS and CSUPS providers staff working on a communications campaign who have not previously completed this training.
 Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit

2020 NIDA International Forum

Prevention First Presents:
Illinois Cannabis Symposium

National Conference on
Health Communication,
Marketing, and Media
Be sure to check out the
Virtual Clearinghouse
There are loads of great resources in the Virtual Clearinghouse on the Prevention First website.

Resources include printed materials, digital materials, presentations, and helpful links. New materials are added periodically so be sure to visit often.