Dear John,
Last week we asked — and you answered! THANK YOU!
With your support, we met our end-of-month and end-of-quarter goals.
Your enthusiasm for our campaign, and outpouring of support at event after event across the country, is not only inspiring, it is the momentum we need to create critical change and send Marianne to the White House.
A Williamson Administration means a country that works for ALL — from declaring a Climate Emergency to establishing an Economic Bill of Rights to providing a guaranteed living wage, Medicare for All, and tuition free college. These are just a few of the fundamental elements of course correction that we most need.
And your support makes this possibility a reality. If you did not get a chance to join our end-of-quarter fundraising, or if you made a one time donation, we ask you to consider making a recurring donation today.
Ongoing support means that every month, we are able to cover our expenses and launch key initiatives to grow our campaign and expand our reach.
Please consider a recurring donation today — every dollar makes a difference.