Since day one, Democrats have been united and ready to work for the people.

 Diana DeGette for Congress

For the first time in U.S. history, the House voted to vacate the speaker seat, ousting Kevin McCarthy. One thing is clear, Johh: the Republicans have created division and chaos.

Instead of taking on the challenges that the American people are facing, Kevin McCarthy spent his time as speaker dividing the nation, refusing to compromise on meaningful legislation, and caving to the demands of the extremists in his party. The past few weeks have just further proved that the GOP is not fit to lead.

Since day one, Democrats have been united and ready to work for the people. On the other hand, House Republicans have held our debt ceiling hostage, nearly driven our government into a shutdown, and now ousted their own leader from the speakership. All in the span of less than a year.

House Democrats WILL continue to work united as one party for the American people, no matter what chaos the Republicans plunge the House into next. However, as Diana and her colleagues prepare to navigate the obstacles of the speakership vote, we can't let this extremist charade go on in 2024 and destroy our democracy.

Next year, we'll have the opportunity to retake the majority and have a House our country can be proud of, and the work to make that happen starts now. Will you donate $5 to ensure Diana has the resources to fight back against extremists and take back our majority in 2024?


Team DeGette


Diana is relying on grassroots donors to continue fighting for Colorado values in Congress. Can we count on you to chip in $5 -- or whatever you can today -- to help her keep fighting?


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Paid for by Diana DeGette for Congress, Inc., Edgar Neel, Treasurer

Diana DeGette for Congress
PO Box 61337
Denver, CO 61337
United States

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