Jay Inslee is quick to point fingers, place blame on oil companies, and claim price gouging.
Shift Washington


We're facing a unique challenge: skyrocketing gas prices caused solely by state regulations. To meet this challenge, Governor Jay Inslee is quick to point fingers, place blame on oil companies, and claim price gouging. He’s even demanding legislation to increase his access to these companies’ books because he currently has no facts to back up his off-base accusations.

Of course, that’s not the real reason behind the unprecedented gas prices, and Inslee knows it. So does the mainstream media.

The truth is that the exorbitant gas prices burdening working families across our state are a direct result of Inslee's flawed cap-and-tax policies. Cap-and-tax took effect at the start of the year, sending gas prices surging over 50 cents per gallon – just as predicted in Shift last year - and putting Washington first in the nation in gas prices for weeks this summer. It's clear that the policies championed by the governor are directly impacting our wallets.

Yet, ironically, the same Democrats responsible for these failed policies are attempting to conceal the truth from the very people they claim to represent. During the last legislative session, Democrats introduced SB 5766 to prevent consumers from learning about the consequences of their actions by banning companies from disclosing the new carbon tax separately on consumer invoices.

The hypocrisy is astounding.

Our friends at Future 42 have brilliantly illustrated the reality behind Inslee's attempts to deflect responsibility for the crisis we face.

Your support is crucial in unveiling the truth and holding those in power accountable. Please consider contributing $100, $50, or $25 today.

Together, we can ensure transparency, protect our wallets, and advocate for policies that actually benefit the people of our great state.

Thank you,

The Shift WA team