Greetings Friend,
Fifty years ago, I asked my Provincial for permission to make community organizing my ministry as a Jesuit priest in Oakland, California. I was motivated by anger at injustice and the belief that people should decide their own future.
Over the next 50 years, that ministry evolved into the Faith in Action you know today, which spans more than 12 countries and encompasses 44 affiliated federations and 8 statewide networks working in 150 cities and towns and 22 states. Together, we have built a loving, global community dedicated to putting our faith into action. Thank you for being a part of my life’s work as we organize for our collective liberation. Join me in celebrating our 50th year with a gift of $50 or more to our network. Your gift invests in faith communities organizing for voting rights, immigration justice, community safety, and so much more. |
When I started my community organizing ministry in Oakland, we brought people together and asked them what changes they wanted to see on their block, in their neighborhood, in their city. This was a departure — traditionally, organizing was centered on issues, not people. By grounding our work in strong relationships and community needs, we built a network that was strong, flexible, and delivered real results to people at the grassroots level. And we got results. Over the years, we’ve secured affordable housing and economic opportunities for low-income families, expanded access to millions of children who need health insurance, secured DACA in the ongoing fight for immigrant justice, and demanded accountability and reckoning for systemic racism.
Over the years, the organization evolved. We shifted from a neighborhood model to a congregation model, grounding our organization in our shared values of love and peacemaking. We expanded from California to a national and then international organization. And we embraced racial justice as a founding organizational value.
Today, more than one million families and one thousand congregations from 40 different denominations and faiths participate in Faith in Action. 50 years and millions of people are more than I ever imagined from a small seed of an idea. But it’s living proof that a small seed can grow into a beautiful tree whose branches can shelter the whole human family.
Thank you for your support and love along the way. If you are able, make a generous donation of $50 or more to jump start the next 50 years of Faith in Action. Blessings, |
| Fr. John Baumann Founder Faith in Action |
Cuando comencé mi ministerio del trabajo organizador en Oakland, juntamos a las personas y les preguntamos cuáles eran los cambios que querían ver en la cuadra, en su vecindario, en su ciudad. Esto fue un cambio – tradicionalmente, el trabajo organizador se centraba en asuntos, no en las personas. Al centrar nuestro trabajo en las relaciones fuertes y las necesidades de la comunidad, creamos una red fuerte, flexible, y entregamos resultados reales a las personas a nivel base.
Y obtuvimos nuestros resultados. A través de los años, hemos logrado la vivienda asequible y oportunidades económicas para las familias de bajos ingresos, hemos expandido el acceso a millones de niños que necesitan seguro médico, hemos logrado DACA en la lucha continua por la justicia para los inmigrantes, y hemos exigido la rendición de cuentas y ajuste de cuentas por el racismo sistémico.
A través de los años, la organización evolucionó. Cambiamos de un modelo de vecindarios a un modelo de congregaciones, arraigando a nuestra organización en nuestros valores compartidos de amor y pacificación. Nos expandimos de California a una organización nacional, y luego internacional. Y aceptamos la justicia racial como un valor fundamental de la organización.
Hoy, más de un millón de familias y mil congregaciones de 40 denominaciones y fes diferentes participan en Fe en Acción. 50 años y millones de personas son más de lo que me hubiera podido imaginar de una pequeña semilla de idea. Pero es una muestra evidente de que una semilla pequeña puede crecer a un árbol lindo cuyas ramas pueden albergar a la familia humana entera. Gracias por su apoyo y amor en el camino. Si puede, haga una donación generosa de $50 o más para poner en marcha los próximos 50 años de Fe en Acción. Bendiciones, |
| Padre John Baumann Fundador Faith in Action |
Faith in Action is a 501c(3). Faith in Action and its affiliates are non-partisan and are not aligned explicitly or implicitly with any candidate or party. We do not endorse or support candidates for office. |
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