Adam might not say it, but I will.


When my husband Adam Frisch ran against Lauren Boebert last year, we were the underdogs until the very end.

Adam did not receive any national support. We were heavily out-raised and out-spent by Boebert and her Washington allies.

Ultimately, though, Adam lost to Lauren Boebert in a recount by just 546 votes – the closest race in the entire country.

The worst part is that it wasn’t because we didn’t work hard. Our family, our team, and our volunteers gave it everything we had. We just ran out of money.

In the final weeks of the race, we had to cut back. Right as Boebert was increasing her advertising – right as we knew we were on her heels – we had to pull TV ads, cancel digital buys, and make a lot of hard budget decisions.

Adam might not say it, but I will: If we had had additional resources and been able to fully fund his campaign until the end, Adam would probably be in Congress right now – and Lauren Boebert would be a footnote in a history book.

It’s part of why Adam announced so early that he’s running again against Lauren Boebert. We need to make sure that we have the time and the money to build a campaign that can sustain all the way through to November 5, 2024.

Adam can win. But Boebert’s allies are already attacking him, and Adam’s not taking any money from corporate PACs. If he is going to defeat Lauren Boebert, Adam needs grassroots donors like you to chip in right now:

This was the closest race in the country in 2022. It could be even closer in 2024. Please, will you give $5 or more right now to Adam’s campaign – any amount you can afford will go a long way – and make sure we have the resources to finally defeat Lauren Boebert?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

From our entire family, thank you.
