

I need your immediate attention.


I was ATTACKED and BOOED by RINOs for asking you to weigh in and contribute to this fight.


I will NOT be lectured by Republicans who grovel and bend knee for the lobbyists and special interests who have hollowed out this town and borrowed against the future of our future generations.


These lobbyists and special interests own our leadership and HATE that I fund my political operation by asking Patriotic Americans for $10, $20, and $30 at a time.


We’re finally on the verge of ushering in REAL CHANGE to how Washington works, and I’m asking you to stand with me in this seminal moment.


The Lobbyists and Special Interests want Congress to work just the way it does: FOR THEM!


I want Congress to work the way the Founders intended: FOR YOU!


I’ve got more enemies than ever, just because I won’t bend the knee. 


Stand with me.


RUSH an emergency donation


Thanks for standing strong,


Matt Gaetz

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