
Dear John,


No doubt you’ve heard plenty about the urgency of our climate crisis—you’re living it. Last Friday, NYC was flooded with just a moment’s notice, and a monthly climate emergency has sadly become our new normal. 


But as they say, don’t agonize, organize. Because we know it works! In fact, this past spring, New York saw one of the biggest climate wins in modern history—the Build Public Renewables Act! Join us on October 11 to celebrate this monumental milestone in our fight for climate justice. 


The coalition behind the bill, Public Power NY, spent years building a grassroots campaign of activists, labor unions, and environmental justice groups across the state to fight for a pathway to publicly owned, 100% renewable energy for New York. NY Renews, ALIGN, and many other movement allies signed on to endorse, and this year, the Act passed! By putting power into the hands of the people, New York can make energy truly affordable for working families, create green, union jobs, and aggressively reduce greenhouse gas emissions to curb some of the worst effects of the climate crisis.

But this wasn’t just a huge win for our state. The Build Public Renewables Act is one of the most significant climate victories in the nation and a model for other states to follow. It will improve the lives and livelihoods of millions. 


That’s why ALIGN is thrilled to be honoring the Public Power NY coalition at our 2023 Movement Builders Awards. We believe in coalition building to win transformational change, and in lifting up our colleagues’ fights and wins, because solidarity is power. 


Join us on October 11 to celebrate these exceptional leaders in the fight for racial, economic, and climate justice. This is what building a movement looks like. 

In solidarity,

The ALIGN team