Richmond, Virginia
In a tremendous show of Christian unity, Catholics, Baptists, Greek Orthodox, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, and a number of Evangelical churches were represented on the sidewalk outside the Richmond Planned Parenthood.
"We began the morning with the song 'Holy, Holy, Holy' and ended with the hymn 'Amazing Grace,' reported Barbara Constable, who led the Richmond campaign prior to joining the 40 Days for Life headquarters team. "Clergy from the area opened and closed us in prayer."
Meanwhile, representatives from both the Catholic diocese and Students for Life addressed attendees.
"In Mark 10:13-16, Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these,'" Barbara reflected. "We need to be the rescue squad. We need to be present on the sidewalk to pray for and intercede for these little ones."