No images? Click here Dear John, Today we have launched our latest report "Revealing the Missing Link to Climate Justice: Drug Policy." This landmark report exposes, unequivocally, the link between climate change and prohibition. We have released this report to invite the environmental sector to acknowledge and act on the role of drug policy in regions key to our climate future. As the report explains, when environmental justice organisations campaign against the degradation of forest systems and violence against rural and traditional communities - they are only telling half the story. Prohibition has created an unregulated, profit-driven and powerful industry that operates in the shadows. This damages the environment in three keys ways. It pushes drug production and trafficking into key areas of biodiversity. It creates huge profits that are reinvested in other extractive industries, such as illegal mining and illegal cattle ranching that devastate the natural environment. Finally, the profits and power that result from the illegality of drugs enable organised criminal groups to ‘buy off’ officials and undermine governance. This in turn means governments are less likely to are govern to prepare for the climate emergency and adopt climate mitigation and adaption strategies. The cycle continues at the cost of the planet and public's health. It is time for the environmental justice movement to speak out. We cannot stay silent on this issue any longer. We must act now. Help us get the message out, by sharing this email with your peers. If you are involved in environmental justice movements and organisations - get in touch and learn how you can help! In solidarity, Clemmie James, Photo credit: Javie Huxley |