For anyone still scratching there thick heads as to why McCarthy is out. . . . a much needed trip down memory lane.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Here’s Why McCarthy is Finally Out
For anyone still scratching there thick heads as to why McCarthy is out….a much needed trip down memory lane.

Kevin McCarthy Tells Republican Caucus He Will Not Seek Speakership Again – Here’s My Thoughts By: Sundance, The Last Refuge, ...

“I’LL DO IT”: President Trump Confirms He’s Been Asked to Be Speaker of the House, “We’ll Do Whatever’s Best for the Country”
As I wrote in a previous post, my choice for Speaker is Trump.

All this playing nice and get along happy horseshit while Democrats burn down the house and terrorize American citizens. We’re in the middle of a revolution. Do something! And the ...

Confession? LGBTQ+ Activist FREAKS Out Ranting Trans and Queers Will Be Killed Now That Florida Passed Death Penalty For Child Rapists
Florida’s law allowing the death penalty for child rapists is now in effect. The minimum sentence is life in prison without parole. In Florida, anyone who harms children in such a horrific way will never walk free.

Florida’s law allowing ...

Muslim Mob Who Brutally Beat Jewish Man in NY’s Times Square Plead Guilty To Hate Crime
These savages screamd yelled, “Dirty Jew,” “Filthy Jew,” as they struck the random Jew repeatedly. The vicitm told Hamodia he was simply wearing a yarmulke.

Nothing in the media but if the ethnicities were reversed, they'd be rounding ...

Hunter Biden Pleads Not Guilty to Gun Charges
Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty to gun charges in a federal court in Delaware. He is accused of possessing a gun illegally while addicted to drugs, and lying about it. And Biden FBI is STILL hiding records on it Hunter Biden gun cover-up operation. ...

What Are They Planning?
Today at approximately 2:20 p.m. a test of the national wireless and broadcast alert systems will occur, affecting cell phones, TVs and radios across the city and the country. According to a FEMA press release, the test is meant “to ensure that ...

House of Horrors: 11 Illegal Aliens Among Men Accused of Gang Raping Girls in Small Minnesota Town
More of Biden Democrats' contribution to the American dream…now a bloody nightmare.

House of Horrors: 11 Illegal Aliens Among Men Accused of Gang Raping Girls in Small Minnesota Town

By: John Binder, October 3, 2023:

At least 11 ...

American Pravda
VDH is a national treasure.

Every totalitarian society consists of three groups: true believers, double-thinkers and dissidents. In every totalitarian regime, no matter its cultural or geographical circumstances, the majority undergo a ...

Steve Scalise Seeking Support To Stand for Speaker as Race To Succeed McCarthy Takes Shape
Time for revolution. Time to go on offense. As hard and as mercilessly as the left fights for tyranny, oppression, inflation, invasion, violence etc, the right has to fight as hard, harder actually and righteously for the good, for our Constitution ...

Acting Speaker Patrick McHenry Orders Pelosi to Vacate Her Capitol Secret Hideaway Office by Wednesday
One of his first acts Acting Speaker House Rep. Patrick McHenry has ordered Rep. Nancy Pelosi to vacate her capitol hideaway office by Wednesday Secret Speaker office? WTH?

Acting Speaker Patrick McHenry Orders Pelosi to Vacate Her Capitol ...

Kevin McCarthy: ‘I Will Not Run for Speaker Again’
Yesterday's man.

We are in the throes of a revolution, we need a fighter, not a collaborator. The idea that we have to acquiesce to Democrat tyranny and oppression in order to 'unify' is obscene and suicidal. ...

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