Join CCL for our fall conference with keynote speaker Van Jones
CCL’s fall conference is one month away! Plan to join us for “Grassroots Rising: Leveling Up in the Climate Fight” — a free, virtual event on Nov. 4-5 that will focus on growing our grassroots movement. One of our keynote speakers is the visionary social entrepreneur, CNN commentator, and author Van Jones. He will deliver the keynote address on Sat. Nov. 4, at 1:10 p.m. ET / 10:10 a.m. PT. Register now for the details about how to tune into his remarks. The conference program will also include Q&As with CCL’s research and legislative staffers, grassroots engagement tips from fellow CCL volunteers out in the field, and breakout sessions to dive deeper into specific topics and strengthen your advocacy skills.
In other news this week: • Another step forward for carbon pricing: Europe’s carbon border adjustment mechanism, or CBAM, entered its next phase on Sunday, Oct. 1. Check out our new blog to see the headlines about this news and learn how it is advancing the carbon pricing conversation here at home. • Energy Innovation Act - Last week’s all-volunteer call welcomed more than 500 CCLers to celebrate the reintroduction of the Energy Innovation Act and get guidance on how to build more support for the bill. The recording is now available for you to watch or share. • Citizens’ Climate board member in NY Times: Bob Inglis, a former member of Congress and a current Citizens’ Climate Education governing board member, published a compelling opinion piece in the New York Times this week. Touching on the recent threat of a government shutdown and the ongoing threat of climate change, he writes, “We face huge challenges, but we face them together.”