Plus, Europe's carbon border adjustment mechanism enters a new phase; CCL board member publishes NY Times op-ed

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  Citizens' Climate Lobby  
  Weekly Briefing, Oct. 4, 2023
Table of Contents:
Fall conference with Van Jones
Take action this week
Featured: CCL Greenville
Upcoming trainings
Join CCL for our fall conference with keynote speaker Van Jones

CCL’s fall conference is one month away! Plan to join us for “Grassroots Rising: Leveling Up in the Climate Fight” — a free, virtual event on Nov. 4-5 that will focus on growing our grassroots movement.

One of our keynote speakers is the visionary social entrepreneur, CNN commentator, and author Van Jones. He will deliver the keynote address on Sat. Nov. 4, at 1:10 p.m. ET / 10:10 a.m. PT. Register now for the details about how to tune into his remarks.

The conference program will also include Q&As with CCL’s research and legislative staffers, grassroots engagement tips from fellow CCL volunteers out in the field, and breakout sessions to dive deeper into specific topics and strengthen your advocacy skills. 

Learn More & Register


In other news this week:

Another step forward for carbon pricing: Europe’s carbon border adjustment mechanism, or CBAM, entered its next phase on Sunday, Oct. 1. Check out our new blog to see the headlines about this news and learn how it is advancing the carbon pricing conversation here at home. 

• Energy Innovation Act - Last week’s all-volunteer call welcomed more than 500 CCLers to celebrate the reintroduction of the Energy Innovation Act and get guidance on how to build more support for the bill. The recording is now available for you to watch or share.

• Citizens’ Climate board member in NY Times: Bob Inglis, a former member of Congress and a current Citizens’ Climate Education governing board member, published a compelling opinion piece in the New York Times this week. Touching on the recent threat of a government shutdown and the ongoing threat of climate change, he writes, “We face huge challenges, but we face them together.”

Take action this week

If you have a little time: Email your House Rep about the Energy Innovation Act. We’ve set a goal of 5,000 messages to the House, asking Representatives to cosponsor the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. So far, CCL volunteers have sent 3,060 messages. Use our simple online tool to send yours today!

If you have more time: Build bridges at a book discussion. CCL’s Braver Angels Action Team has arranged a presentation from Mónica Guzmán, the author of the bestselling book, "I Never Thought of It That Way: How to Have Fearlessly Curious Conversations in Dangerously Divided Times." These skills are vital to our climate advocacy work on both sides of the political aisle. The team is hosting a book discussion next Wed., Oct. 11, in advance of Mónica’s presentation and Q&A in November. Both events are open to any CCL volunteer whether or not you've read the book — a synopsis will be provided for attendees.

Featured chapter: CCL Greenville


Located in the predominantly Republican state of South Carolina, CCL Greenville does a lot of grassroots outreach connecting with communities critical to CCL’s nonpartisan advocacy work. Most recently, they tabled for the second year in a row at the National Hunting and Fishing Day Event in upstate South Carolina. As part of their tabling setup, the chapter often uses the Yale Six Americas activity, asking visitors to mark with a pin their level of climate concern. 

At last year's event (featured here on CCL's blog), CCL Greenville volunteer Lauraleigh Bush says, “Cautious was the most common response, but the overall trend was that [...] the first three dots on the chart got the most pins, which I felt was really encouraging.”

At the same event this past weekend, the results were even more encouraging. “Alarmed” was clearly the most common response, with some people even putting their pins further off the chart for emphasis. “There was more networking than last year,” too, Lauraleigh reports. Great progress, CCL Greenville!

CCL has nearly 400 chapters across the country. Find your local chapter today and get plugged in.

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Upcoming trainings


10/5: Energy Innovation Act Q&A - Dive deeper into the policy and get all your questions answered by CCL staff. If you are a new volunteer that has joined CCL since the last time the Energy Innovation Act was introduced in Congress, this will be an especially helpful call for you to attend. Join us!

10/12: Exploring The Power of Intergenerational Climate Conversations - Led by the brilliant team behind the Intergenerational Conversations Guide, this training will explore how to talk about climate change across generations. CCL staff will then share examples of how intergenerational action can drive political will. Join us!

Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer Training, made for newer volunteers:

10/10: Lobbying Basics: Planning and Practicing Your Meeting - Learn how to prepare for a meet and run through what an actual meeting with your member of Congress looks like. Join us!

To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community

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CCL Climate Advocate Training
Do you want to be a more effective volunteer? Start by joining our Informational Session, and then register for our Climate Advocate Training.

The Info Session is held weekly on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.
Join Info Session

CCL’s Climate Advocate Training workshop is offered live several times a year ahead of our big lobby days. Click below to sign up or find out more information.
Register for Climate Advocate Training


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