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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Monday 2 March


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


State-funded Catholic faith school plans given go-ahead despite opposition

Some parents who oppose the plans say the school should be about local children and not what faith they follow.

Sky News


Prevent: Muslim support for anti-extremism scheme

The principles behind the anti-extremism scheme Prevent may not be as controversial among British Muslims as thought, a survey suggests.

BBC News


Most Anglicans believe gay couples have right to marry, poll suggests

The number of Anglicans who believe that gay couples have a right to marry "are now clearly in the majority", according to a new YouGov poll.

The Telegraph


Yeshivah closures could lead to more home-schooling

Proposals to regulate unregistered yeshivot for young teenagers could leave some of them no better off, the government has acknowledged.

The JC


NHS urges staff to shave beards - but gives 'religious exemptions'

NHS staff have been asked to shave their beards to allow masks to fit more securely in a bid to limit the spread of coronavirus. However, the advice suggest those who "do not have a strong cultural or religious reason for a beard" are exempt.



Controversial plan for Muslim cemetery on farmland set to return

The plans to build a burial ground on the outskirts of Solihull where ceremonies could be conducted under Sharia law - a religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition - were first thrown out back in 2015.

Coventry Telegraph


'Bibi case proves blasphemy law reform is overdue'

"Reading her story this week made me think about Scotland's own chequered history on questions of religious freedom, and the unfinished work of freeing this country from the kind of restrictive laws which dragged Asia Bibi before the courts and exposed her life to legal jeopardy."

The National


'Resolving the conflict between medicine and religious beliefs'

Dr Miriam Stoppard explores the tensions between various religious beliefs and medical science and touches on the issue of withdrawing life-support.

The Mirror


Argentina set to become first major Latin American country to legalise abortion

Its president, Alberto Fernández, said on Sunday that he intends to send a legal abortion bill to congress in the next 10 days.

The Guardian


'Inside Delhi: beaten, lynched and burnt alive'

Violence in India's capital has left more than 40 dead and hundreds injured after a Hindu nationalist rampage, stoked by the rhetoric of Narendra Modi's populist government.

The Guardian


In case you missed it...


End C of E bishops’ entitlement to sit in Lords, says report

The automatic right granted to 26 C of E bishops to sit in the House of Lords should be repealed, according to a new report.


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