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NHS staff have been asked to shave their beards to allow masks to fit more securely in a bid to limit the spread of coronavirus. However, the advice suggest those who "do not have a strong cultural or religious reason for a beard" are exempt.
The plans to build a burial ground on the outskirts of Solihull where ceremonies could be conducted under Sharia law - a religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition - were first thrown out back in 2015.
"Reading her story this week made me think about Scotland's own chequered history on questions of religious freedom, and the unfinished work of freeing this country from the kind of restrictive laws which dragged Asia Bibi before the courts and exposed her life to legal jeopardy."
Violence in India's capital has left more than 40 dead and hundreds injured after a Hindu nationalist rampage, stoked by the rhetoric of Narendra Modi's populist government.
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