Hey there — I wanted to personally reach out to thank you for your support.
Thanks to your support and thousands of grassroots supporters chipping in, we were able to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars online last quarter. But what’s most impressive about that number? On average folks were chipping in just $20.
That’s huge. That means everyday people are pitching in what they can to support the candidates fighting for working families in every county.
While the GOP relies on boatloads of cash from faceless and nameless dark money donors, we’re powered by the $25 David chipped in from Glendale, the $10 Della chipped in from Laveen, the $5 Tracy chipped in from Yuma, and the thousands of other grassroots contributions from supporters in all 50 states who are committed to protecting democracy in our battleground state.
Team, you deserve to know exactly where your contribution is going, so I wanted to share a few of the things we did last month:

Your support helped us to connect with and register Latino voters at the El Grito Festival in Phoenix.

Your support helped us support #SkoVoteDen in Salt River, registering Native voters and ensuring they have the tools necessary to get out and vote.

Your support help us to connect with members of the labor movement in Pima.

Your support helped us to connect with Arizona State students during welcome week, giving them everything they need to stay engaged and cast their ballot on campus next November.
This is how we’ll win, team — mobilizing voters of all backgrounds across Arizona to take action and giving them the tools and resources they need to make their voices heard at the voting booth.
We truly can’t do this work without your support — our entire team is grateful you’re in this with us.
Thank you again, friend.
Yolanda Bejarano
Chair, Arizona Democratic Party