In this village near Mykolaiv, which is very close to the front lines, more than half of the residents have left. The families that remain are living in half-demolished homes. Children have grown used to the sound of air-raid sirens and know to take cover in emergency shelters when they hear them.
Before the conflict escalated on Feb. 24, 2022, Save the Children had 25 staff members working to support children in Ukraine. Now, thanks in large part to supporters like you, we have scaled up to almost 400 across the country, mostly Ukrainians themselves. Their hard work, hope and resilience is incredible.
Ukraine is just one of more than 100 countries around the world where together, we’re working to help children grow up healthy, learning and safe. With your support, we’re fighting a global hunger crisis that’s put millions of kids across the Horn of Africa at risk of famine. We’re helping children recover after devastating disasters like this February’s earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria. And so much more.