East Bay DSA members rally before our last big Bernie canvass on
Saturday, Feb. 29.East Bay DSA members rally before our last big Bernie canvass on Saturday.

Friend --

Super Tuesday is in two days! This is a historic moment for our movement. A democratic socialist is the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination, and Tuesday’s primaries could be a decisive turning point in the primary.

Can you take off work and help get out the vote on Super Tuesday?

We need all hands on deck tomorrow and Tuesday. East Bay DSA is doing a final push to get out the vote for Bernie and make sure he wins big in California. 

Please drop by the the East Bay DSA office at 3832 Market St. in Oakland anytime between 11am and 9pm on Monday, March 2 or between 6:30am and 8pm on Tuesday, March 3 to canvass or phonebank.

You can also make a volunteer plan for GOTV using the form below! We have lots of different roles to fill — there’s something for everyone to do.

👉 RSVP now to get out the vote! 👈

After campaigning, join us for our Super Tuesday party that night at 7th West (1255 7th Street in Oakland) from 7:00 pm onward.

DSA for Bernie

Paid for by East Bay Democratic Socialists of America (www.eastbaydsa.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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