John: we really wish you could have been on hand this morning at 7:30am when we held our MASSIVE deployment of college students to walk door-to-door to persuade and turnout voters to make Carl DeMaio California’s newest Congressman!

The ENERGY of Carl’s movement to TAKE BACK CALIFORNIA is amazing -- and YOU are part of that movement through your support!

We’ll need every ounce of that energy because turnout is so low this race is officially a TOSS-UP now! To ensure Carl wins, there are two things (in addition to the college student walk program) that we must do in the next 72 hours:

ELECTION INTEGRITY TEAM: Carl’s campaign needs to fund poll watchers and two attorneys to monitor voting locations, deal with irregularities that arise, and aggressively monitor the counting of “provisional ballots.”

DIGITAL OUTREACH: The polling shows the largest block of undecided voters are 18-34 year olds and we are adding a major digital push this weekend to sway them to Carl’s side.

We need funding to support these two programs in the final 72 hours. If they weren’t important based on the latest polling we wouldn’t ask for your help - so PLEASE contribute whatever you can!

Will you chip in at least $35 to help Carl win?

🚨 Contribute NOW: Election Integrity Team & Digital Outreach 🚨

Chip in $35
Chip in $50
Chip in $100
Chip in $250
Or donate another amount

Only 72 hours left in this campaign - please do whatever you can now!

Team DeMaio









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