Arizonans rejected Kari once, pitch in right now to help us do it again.

Paid for by Arizona Democrats

Kari has officially begun her Senate campaign. 

Axios Headline: Kari Lake files paperwork to run for US Senate

We defeated her before, and we’ll do it again. Pitch in $24 (or whatever works best for you this week) to show Kari Lake and the GOP that election denialism and an extremist, right-wing agenda will always lose.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:


We have to be prepared here. Kari Lake will launch next week to the tune of MILLIONS of dollars, propped up by a deep warchest funded by Donald Trump and the extremist right-wing.

Kari continues to stoke the flames of election denialism (she’s still trying to sue her way into a governorship) and has become Trump’s biggest mouthpiece and most ardent supporter of the Big Lie.

Kari Lake in the Senate would be dangerous for our democracy. We have to keep her out of any positions of power. Our team is setting a flash goal to raise $60,000 before Kari’s launch event next week to help us defeat her AGAIN next November. Can we count on you to pitch in today?


— Arizona Democratic Party