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Editor's Note:

Just when you thought the left could not hijack the language any further (actually, that will never happen), "Ethnic Studies" is the new disguise for Critical Race Theory in the world of education. As Katherine Kersten describes, this stealthy push to encourage even more racial division in schools sounds benign at first glance. After all, why would we not want children to learn about interesting cultures everywhere? Ethnic Studies programs are not meant to unite, however, as Minnesotans are discovering. They are meant to drive even deeper divisions into school environments and then into the culture at large. We have to be vigilant in recognizing and then thwarting these strategies to indoctrinate and divide. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
‘Ethnic Studies’ Is CRT Peddlers’ Sneaky New Way To Stoke Racial Division In Schools
October 4, 2023
Controversy over critical race theory (CRT) in America’s public schools has been a flashpoint in our nation’s culture wars since at least 2020. In Virginia, parents’ outcry against it determined the 2022 governor’s race, and red states such as Florida and Texas are doing their best to restrict it. In this charged climate, blue states are stealthily adopting a dangerous new disguise for CRT — “ethnic studies” — which incorporates all that worries Americans about CRT’s ideology, and plenty more, in a deceptively appealing package. 
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This fun answer-and-question is an easy way to learn about the U.S. Constitution and appropriate for all ages. All Americans should understand the individual rights that our Constitution guarantees. 120-pages — Anne Schlafly 

 Is Our Constitution in Jeopardy? 
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