Take back the GOP and oust the RINOs.
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HISTORIC: The U.S. House Votes to REMOVE Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House
Take back the GOP and oust the RINOs. Th last time a vote to vacate happened was 1910 but this is the first time it passed and the Speaker was removed.

BREAKING: Kevin McCarthy has been removed from Speaker of the House on a 216-210 vote. ...

BREAKING: Radical Anti-Trump Judge Hits Trump With Gag Order
The Democrat party of radical left-wing activism and treason are burning down our house. Freedom of speech is our first amendment – an unalienable right of every American and invariably human being on the earth. And the Democrats mean to crush ...

Kevin McCarthy BLOCKS Hunter’s Subpeona, Makes Deal With Democrats For MORE Ukraine Funding As House Votes to Oust McCarthy Happening NOW
He has got to go:

Related: Kevin McCarthy is accused of making a secret deal with Joe Biden securing a deal that sends more money to Ukraine

JUST NOW: McCarthy just struck deal with Biden to send more money to Ukraine. ...

In His Criminal Trial, Former Loudoun County Superintendent Blames Sex Assault Victims
He retaliated against a teacher for blowing the whistle on sexual abuse and for cooperating with a special grand jury. Oh, and he came to court wearing earrings and nail polish.What loving parent would send their child into this government cesspool ...

Elon Musk Drops Vaccine Bombshell Personal Story
The Covid shot “nearly sent me to the hospital.” There are tens of millions of post vaccine trauma stories not being told.

Elon Musk says he would have went to prison before he forced workers to get vaccinated and the 3rd shot almost sent ...

Rep. Matt Gaetz Files Motion to Oust Speaker McCarthy
“If this country's going down, and if we're losing the dollar, I'm going down fighting. And I don't care if that means fighting Republicans, Democrats, the Uniparty, the leadership, the PACs, the lobbyists. I've had it.” Matt Gaetz

Matt ...

Records Show Biden Regime Set Up Unprecedented Apparatus to Target January 6 Protestors
It was a coup. Indicting Americans for the unalienable right to freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly is treason. That was the insurrection.

Now There is Evidence the FBI Planned the January 6 Operation and Planted ...

MUST WATCH Victor David Hanson on Tucker: “Trump Trial Not a Legal Proceeding. It’s a Grotesque Parody of the System Our Ancestors Created.”
“We're in the middle of a revolution.”

Victor Davis Hanson calmly and rationally explain how “Liberals are now telling us they plan to protect American democracy, and that’s the clearest possible sign that they intend to end it.” ...

Trump Middle East Peace: 2nd Israeli minister visits Saudi Arabia in days
This comes just one week after Israel's tourism minister visited Saudi Arabia for a UN-sponsored conference. President Trump's Abraham Accords continues to bear fruit. Yielding incredible results on a daily basis. Israel-Saudi normalization could ...

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