URGENT ACTION NEEDED: We MUST hold Big Ag accountable for inhumane treatment of innocent farm animals. Take action now! >>

In 2017, a critical animal welfare rule that would ensure the humane treatment of organic livestock was OVERTURNED. This move has allowed Big Ag to skirt past organic agriculture standards by denying innocent farm animals adequate space to move around and access to fresh air and sunlight.

The good news is that after years of delay, the USDA has finalized the Organic Livestock and Poultry Standard Rule (OLPS), which would strengthen animal welfare regulations in organic agriculture.

But recently, Senator Marshall (R-KS) introduced an amendment that would BLOCK the OLPS from moving forward. It’s urgent that the USDA enacts the animal welfare rule immediately — before more farm animals are subjected to inhumane treatment. Please, Friend, will you step up now to help defend farm animals and the organic industry from Big Ag’s corporate greed?

Organic agriculture began from public demands for a healthier, safer, and more transparent food system. The OLPS animal welfare rule would ensure that all animals on organic farms have plenty of room to move around and access to the outdoors.

It’s imperative that we keep the organic label strong. Shoppers who look for the organic label are trusting that the products meet the highest quality standards and that animals on organic farms are treated with dignity and respect.

And while most organic farmers already meet these expectations, they are losing business to large corporations that are finding loopholes in the system.

But Friends of the Earth is siding with organic farmers, consumers, and animal activists who overwhelmingly support the OLPS rule. Together, we are fighting back against Big Ag companies that are threatening the integrity of the organic label, and we need environmentalists like you to speak up today to show strong public support. Friend, can we count on you? Add your name right now! >>
