Working-class internationalism must be the answer to war

By Rossana Cambron

Marx and Engels saw international working-class unity as key to breaking the chains that bind us. Indeed, Marx himself later warned about the threat to such unity posed by the policies of capitalist governments pitting workers of different countries against each other.

Lenin, too, sounded a similar warning inherent in the rising new imperialism that was leading to increased militarism and wars for world domination. But workers have no interest in fighting each other. Consistent anti-imperialism, he stressed, must be the only answer to wars of conquest. 


Good morning, revolution! Workers make history edition

By Communist Party USA

Workers make history! Biden on the UAW picket line, GOP holding government hostage again, WGA members' tentative agreement, and the terrorist attack on the Cuban Embassy. Let Cuba Live!

Show solidarity with striking auto workers

By CPUSA Labor Commission

Find out how you can support UAW members in their fight.

The terrorists who attacked the Cuban Embassy must be prosecuted

By CPUSA International Department

The CPUSA International Department condemns the terrorist attack on the Cuban Embassy and calls on the U.S. government to find and prosecute the perpetrators.

The laws of fascism’s emergence

By Joel Wendland-Liu

Fascism is a form of monopoly-capitalist class rule. The fight against it is about building a force that can transition the democratic struggle into a struggle for working-class power.

Elon Musk and the fight to X out hate speech

By Taryn Fivek

As struggles for equality intensify, fascist rhetoric and violence is also on the rise — aided by social media moguls and GOP contenders alike. How can we best respond?

Labor leader Barbara Figueroa elected as new head of Chile’s CP

Combined Sources

The former president of Chile’s main trade union federation will be leading the CP as it wrestles with the challenges facing the country.

As Marx famously wrote, "The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." When you join the CPUSA, you will be connected with a local club engaged in daily on-the-ground struggles for a better world. That is where the rubber meets the road, and our working class and people need you in the fight.

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