Please take a minute to fill out our October Priorities Survey >>

One thing is abundantly clear in the aftermath of this narrowly avoided government shutdown:

Whether it’s the debt ceiling crisis or a government shutdown, House Republicans are always willing to risk economic catastrophe for their political games.

Meanwhile, I will always prioritize your best interests over playing political games. That’s why it’s so important to hear from you personally about the issues that you want me and the Democratic Senate Majority to address:

Will you fill out my team’s October Priorities Survey to let us know what’s top of mind for you? It’ll only take a few minutes.


Last month, many of you shared that the most pressing issues on your mind were taking on climate change, protecting Social Security and Medicare, and preserving reproductive rights. Each of these are priorities for me, too — and I look forward to hearing what other issues you’d like me to tackle next.

— Martin



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Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125
United States