Dear Friend,
His Eminence, Raymond Cardinal
Burke – our patron – described the “Faithful Echo” as a Movement
dedicated to drawing the clergy and the lay faithful in ever closer
unity to combat the darkness of the present confusion, error, and
division in the Church.
His Eminence is right on the
If there was ever a time for us to
join together to be a “faithful echo” of the voices of Truth in our
Church, it’s now. Let me explain.
We have been closely following the
shadowy “Synod on Synodality” process that has
been taking place for almost two years now and that is scheduled to
culminate in this month’s meeting in the Vatican which will go on for
the rest of October.
Not everyone has the time (or the
patience) to follow these issues, but we feel it is our duty to keep
you informed about such things. So, here’s my essential—and hopefully
charitable—take on the proceedings.
The synod’s long-winded and tedious
process of “dialogue” about essential Church teachings is
unprecedented in the history of the Church—never has a synod been
formed to discuss established Church teachings.
- The
schismatic German synod of the same name that took place this past
year is a microcosm of what the radicals in power intend for the
Church as a whole: Protestantized processes of ecclesiastical
governance as well as re-worked, relativistic moral codes.
- It is
all a game of confusion in place of clarity; compromise in place of
commitment; false compassion instead of true charity.
I don’t intend this to be a run-on
commentary on a complex situation. I simply want to reiterate
something I’ve said a thousand times before. Namely, with Marxist
tactics like this and radical agendas for change:
They are leading the faithful away
from the truth of the Church.
I can’t say it any more clearly
than that.
If you need any evidence of this,
just take the statement of Francis DeBernardo, Executive Director of
the radical homosexual advocacy group called New Ways
When the recently-radicalized
Prefect for the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith released a
statement yesterday that allegedly “allows for pastoral ministers to
bless homosexual relationships on a case-by-case basis,”
the activists at New Ways
Ministry were elated.
DeBernardo stated that “the
document significantly advances Pope Francis’ work to include and
affirm LGBTQ+ people.”
You see?
What once I called a “shadow
church” is fully out and proud now. The radicals are emboldened now by
all the compromises of those in leadership positions in Rome. Their
agenda is not hidden any more, even though it is slow and
Remember the old analogy about
boiling a frog by degrees?
Well, that is undoubtedly the
Marxist strategy at play here. That is why they need a three-year
process to undermine established Church teaching. That is why they
carefully and deceptively plant seeds of dissent in the Mystical Body
of the Church.
The real problem with this analogy,
though, is that at the end of the boiling
process…the frog dies.
So, I ask you: Are faithful
Catholics to sit back and tolerate this incremental process of
destruction of our beloved Church?
Not on your
So, I’m taking this opportunity to
inform our audience of stalwart Catholics that we are
throwing our support 1,000% behind His Eminence,
Cardinal Burke, who has
teamed up with four other Cardinals of the Church (including the
preeminent Cardinal Robert Sarah) to offer:
- Clarity
in the face of confusion at the highest levels;
- Commitment in the face of so much compromise of other churchmen;
- Charity
in place of false and radicalized notions of our Catholic
There is some history here, as you
might imagine.
In 2016 when Cardinal Burke and
several other prelates issued their five-question dubia (formal presentation of doubts) to Pope Francis to clear up
some doctrinal confusion, it took the Holy Father
seven years to answer.
When he did, his formal response cleared upon exactly nothing! Which is why
Cardinal Burke felt dutifully bound to issue another formal set of
dubia (questions) to clarify the
first one!
If you haven’t yet read the
Cardinals’ statement, this link will take you to Cardinal Burke’s
website where you will find it:
These holy churchmen—pastors of
souls!—are taking this unprecedented step because of their duty to
“assist the Roman pontiff … individually … especially in the daily
care of the universal Church” (canon 349). In other words:
These courageous pastors of souls
are leading the faithful INTO the truth of
the Church.
In any case, we here at Catholic
Action are continuing to follow and digest the proceedings of the
“Synod on Synodality” in order to give you our take on matters and to
keep you informed of the progress of the new dubia. (But don’t hold your breath for an answer…).
We will also keep you informed of
our ongoing efforts to form partnerships with those who engage in the
ongoing battle for the sanctity of the One, Holy, Catholic, and
Apostolic Church.
Now is the time to be A Faithful Echo of the Voices of Truth
and to Stand with the Church of Light and Peace in Times of
At the top of this email I noted
how Cardinal Burke touched on the essence of Catholic Action’s
mission: We are, and intend always to be, the Faithful Echo of the
faithful churchmen who will not compromise one degree with the world,
the flesh, or the devil.
Your friend in Christ,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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