As a progressive voter, there are just 3 things you need to know about Elizabeth Warren's momentum on Super Tuesday -- now just 48 hours away. Feel free to pass this to others...
1) Warren is top tier nationally. Your vote -- and volunteering -- matters to keeping her there.
The latest CBS News poll shows Warren second only to Bernie nationally. She's done the hard work. Built a strong campaign. And inspired.
Can you take an hour and make calls for Warren today? Or send text messages? You can also donate to her Get Out The Vote operation and our work to support her.
2) MSNBC'S Steve Kornacki points out a HUGE difference between a candidate winning 14% and 15%. Your vote (and volunteering) matters!
The DNC rules only award convention delegates to those who get 15% or higher in congressional districts and states. On MSNBC, Steve Kornacki showed the latest CNN poll showing Warren at 14% in California!
"To give you a sense of how crucial that 15% threshold is in California," he said as he typed numbers furiously into a computer. If the second place candidate gets 15%, the first place candidate went from a net 250 delegates to 146 delegates -- a difference of 104, precisely DOUBLE all the delegates Bernie Sanders has so far! Hitting 15% "is the single biggest variable" impacting Super Tuesday.
Can you take an hour and make calls for Warren today? Or send text messages? You can also donate to her Get Out The Vote operation and our work to support her.
3) You are right if you're inspired by Elizabeth Warren. She will be the best president. Millions of people agree with you. She'll win if we all vote.
Below are some of the most inspiring moments of the campaign so far. Remind yourself how much you love her. And pass your favorites to friends or post on social media.
Elizabeth Warren can take on an arrogant billionaire on the debate stage -- and win!
Watch Warren dismantle Bloomberg here... Share this on Facebook and on Twitter. |
Elizabeth Warren can unite Democrats across the country.
Warren's breakout moment in this campaign was at the She The People Forum where she was the only candidate to get a standing ovation. |
The Root just gave Elizabeth Warren's plans to address racism and inequality the highest score of all of candidates, adding: "Perhaps no candidate in history ever had a more detailed, comprehensive plan than Elizabeth Warren’s." |
The Center for Urban and Racial Equity gave Elizabeth Warren the top spot in its 2020 presidential scorecard. Warren also won the top spot on Indivisible's scorecard! |
When this 2011 video surfaced, MSNBC reported: "Elizabeth Warren is about to become the new working class hero." It went viral, being viewed by millions of people. |
Warren excites the base -- and when Republicans and Independents hear her, they love her. |
Elizabeth Warren is the ONLY candidate who is a bold progressive, effective, and can defeat Trump.
Share this on Facebook and on Twitter. |
Elizabeth Warren is the candidate who can get Medicare For All DONE.
Watch Warren make the case that she's the best on healthcare here. Share this on Facebook and on Twitter. |
Share this on Facebook and on Twitter. |
Can you take an hour and make calls for Warren today? Or send text messages? You can also donate to her Get Out The Vote operation and our work to support her.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- The PCCC Elections Team
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