From Indivisible Team <[email protected]>
Subject Making Republicans pay a political price for their extremism
Date October 3, 2023 6:33 PM
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On Saturday night, with just hours to spare, Congress passed a bill
funding the government through November 17. The days since have been
consumed by more MAGA mayhem as the far-right tries to oust their own

In the midst of all the chaos, you might have missed the moments when all
18 Unrepresentatives (vulnerable Republicans serving in Biden-won
districts) voted to gut social programs by billions of dollars -- and six
voted to rollback abortion access nationwide.

Each and every one of them voted for a true MAGA wishlist of heinous
policies designed to hurt the most vulnerable among us:

* Reinstating Trump’s inhumane border policies
* Cuts to education funding equivalent to removing 150,000 teachers
* 250,000 kids losing access to Head Start
* 30% cut to food assistance for women, infants and children
* 74% cut to energy assistance leaving millions of low income families
without heat this winter
* Cuts to Meals on Wheels impacting over a million seniors

The Unrepresentatives turned their backs on their moderate voters to
appease Matt Gaetz and other MAGA whackadoodles. And they did it for
nothing -- the bills failed. Hours later Democrats kept the government
funded with a bipartisan bill which was clearly the only path forward from
the start. 

We have to make sure there’s a political price to pay for selling out your
constituents, and we have to pressure vulnerable Republicans to stick to
the original bipartisan funding deal they agreed to months ago. In a
second, we’re going to tell you how we can get both of these things done.
[ [link removed] ]But if you’re already pissed off and ready to help our organizers hold
the Republican Party accountable, please rush a donation so we can get to
work >> 

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[ [link removed] ]The Unrepresentatives like to tell their constituents that they're
“bipartisan,” "moderate," "common sense" politicians who just care about
getting things done. But when it came down to something as basic as
funding the government, they would rather give far-right Republicans
whatever they wanted than vote alongside Democrats. 

The first step to holding Republicans accountable is making sure their
constituents know just how extreme their voting record is. That’s why
we’re mobilizing Indivisibles across the Unrepresentative districts to
show up to rallies and protests at fundraisers and district offices. We’re
also running a peer-to-peer texting program so Indivisibles can reach out
to their fellow constituents and tell them about the billion dollar cuts
and anti-abortion measures their Unrepresentative voted for. 

This grassroots accountability work will help us defeat these members next
fall, but it also goes hand in hand with our efforts to stave off the next
potential shutdown on November 17. We have to make sure Unrepresentatives
understand their constituents won’t tolerate any more placating of MAGA
Republicans who aren’t even interested in governing. The only viable path
forward is to work with Democrats to pass funding bills at the level the
Republicans already agreed to months ago. 

This kind of massive pressure campaign takes resources, so we’re counting
on grassroots supporters to help fund this work. [ [link removed] ]The next shutdown
deadline is just over a month away, so if you’re able to, click here to
pitch in so we can get to work as soon as possible >> 

If you've saved your information with ActBlue Express Lane, your donation
to Indivisible Action will go through immediately:

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With your help, we’ll avert a shutdown next month, defeat the
Unrepresentatives next year, and restore a trifecta actually capable of

In solidarity,
Indivisible Team

[1] If you’re following the news, you probably know Matt Gaetz submitted a
Motion to Vacate to depose McCarthy ([ [link removed] ]You can read more about that
process here). To be clear, our focus is on keeping the government funded
for the long term and putting an end to this chaos by flipping the House
in 2024. It's not our responsibility to save Republicans from themselves.

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