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Late last week Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) introduced a resolution that would declare this week, October 1-7, as "Religious Education Week." You can read the resolution here. Supported by 19 Senators, the resolution describes some of the perceived benefits of religious education, cites court cases supporting religious education, and encourages states to allow public school students to leave public school to attend religious classes elsewhere. You can tell your Senators NO to this resolution here.

The resolution specifically points out that 540,000 students participate in these "released time programs" to leave school for religion classes. This is the opposite of what public school students should be learning about, instead of math, science, or maybe history and government. The Senate has not yet considered the resolution.

Religious schools have a history of indoctrination, intolerance, and in some cases abuse. Religious coursework replacing elements of a core curriculum is a waste of time. Encouraging public school students to leave their classes for religious courses somewhere else is reprehensible. United States Senators spending time on this resolution is too. Send them our Action Alert and let them know that they should vote NO on Senator Graham’s Senate Resolution 380. You can find the Action Alert here.

Scott MacConomy, Director of Policy ad Government Affairs at the Secular Coalition for America, wears a blue suit and stands with his arms crossed over his chest in front of the United States Capitol Building.

Your advocate,

Scott MacConomy
Director of Policy and Government Affairs 
Secular Coalition for America

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