Episode 173 uploaded October 1: Sam Goldman talks with Roxy Szal, Austin-based feminist writer and Digital
Editor of Ms. Magazine about the state of emergency for abortion access
in many parts of the U.S. and much more. Commentary from Coco Das about GOP front-runner Donald Trump’s attacks on the U.S. military, a basis for optimism for the future, and more.

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Roxy Szal:
We're likely going to be getting a bombshell mifepristone abortion ruling right before the 2024 elections. A ruling against mifepristone will affect the entire country, including blue states. We have to see that fight for what it is: a nationwide restriction of mifepristone access, which would be devastating. It has to be all hands on deck, all types of groups coming together as well; civil rights groups, LGBTQ groups, racial groups voting rights group, the people pushing the lawmakers and that's what we need to continue to do.
Coco Das:
All the decent people have to ask themselves, what is it going to take to stop this nightmare? Why was there no opposition in the room, and even more than that, where is the opposition in every sphere of society and especially in the streets. If abortion rights are more popular than ever, why is the other side winning? Yes, winning. Thousands of women every month are being forced right now to give birth against their will. This is a form of female enslavement that should galvanize a powerful movement from below, a movement in the streets that brings society to a halt and causes a crisis of legitimacy for these Christian fascist forces and their enablers and everyone in the halls of power.
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