Dear John,

When a 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck Morocco recently, the American Fondouk responded immediately to help with relief efforts for disaster victims and their animals.

Thanks to the kind support of friends like you:

  1. We have been actively involved in providing vital assistance to those in need in Marrakech.
  2. We have donated animals to those who have lost their livestock. (These animals will not only provide economic stability, but also offer emotional comfort during such an uncertain time.)
  3. We are engaged in various relief efforts — including shelter assistance, medical support, and community outreach.
  4. We are also working in tandem with local authorities to ensure an organized, effective response to emerging needs.

As you know, animals play a critical role in the lives of many families in the affected area, both as a source of income and as a means of sustenance.

Please stand with us today to support survivors, their families, and their livestock in the aftermath of this disaster.

So far we have had the privilege of helping well over 200 animals in one region alone. Several equines and cows were treated for wounds, lacerations, and other medical needs.

And while compassionate relief efforts are underway, there is much work left to be done.

So I urge you to give generously today. You’ll lend a hand to the suffering today — and make a difference for families and communities tomorrow as we continue all our efforts in Morocco.

Thank you for your unwavering support and solidarity.

With gratitude,


Bob Coleman
President, Board of Directors


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