Did Letitia James actually go to Law school? Or is that requirement racist? Now they are trying to gag Trump. . . .
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President Trump: 80% of Letitia James’ Case Against Him Have Been DISMISSED By Judge Due to Statute of Limitations.
President Trump says that 80% of Letitia James' case against him has been dismissed by the judge due to statute of limitations.

Did Letitia James acrtually go to Law school? Or is that requirement racist?

Now they are trying to gag ...

ine with irrefutable video evidence.

Through exclusive footage, whistleblower testimony, and other documentation, Muckraker has exposed how the United States federal government is facilitating the largest child trafficking ring in the ...

Jan 6 Federal Prosecutor Arrested For Stabbing Driver on Florida Highway
Democrat party of criminals and treasonists. Literally.

Whose taking bets that this savage will serve less time thatn Americans peacefully exercising their right to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of expression.

Jan 6 ...

FTX Billionaire Fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried Donated MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to McConnell’s List of ANTI-TRUMP REPUBLICANS after Private Meeting with Senate Minority Leader
The New Republic: To try to counter Trump, SBF also met with Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell in 2022 to identify supposedly pro-democracy Republican candidates, and donated millions of dollars to support them. Neither McConnell nor Trump ...

In Court, Anti-Trump Judge Mugs for the Cameras, Watch Donald Trump Speak to Press After Courtroom Farce
TRUMP: “When you have a radical left Attorney General like Letitia James, who got elected on the fact that’s she’s going to ‘take down President Trump’.. We have others likewise. Take a look at Georgia. Take a look at Jack Smith.. This is ...

US Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Block Trump in 2024 In Rebuke of Democrat Tyranny
We live in such a morally inverted, insane age that when there is a rational ruling in accordance with the pillars of this Constitutional Republic, the people express shock, amazement and awe. Sick.

The Democrat destroyers figure they'll just ...

Largest Electric Vehicle Charging Station In World Powered By Diesel-Powered Generators
The de-civilization and dismantling of the West is due in large part to an increasing lack of intellectual curiosity by the body politic, propaganda by an immense, unfathomable left wing machine, laziness and downright stupidity.

Largest EV ...

Michigan Supreme Court Becomes First in Nation to Adopt ‘They’ Pronoun
So much for the “most reasoned body” in Michigan. Adopting delusional madness won't make it so.

As Aristotle said, “A is A.”

As commenter succinctly put it, “granting crazy people rights to be even more crazy does not help crazy ...

The Apple Store Raid
The Apple Store Raid

By: Amil Imani

On September 27, 2023, a peculiar incident unfolded in the heart of Philadelphia, leaving me both baffled and amused. A group of audacious individuals, their faces concealed by masks, descended upon the ...

Calif Gov. Newsom Names Radical Maryland Resident Laphonza Butler as Calif Senator Feinstein Replacement
“However corrupt you think politics is, multiply it by a 1,000,000.”

Just in case anyone was speculating whether the Marxist Dem party might be moving even slightly away from their crazed Marxist anti-American commitment (Lou Dobbs on X) ...

Trump Trial Opens Today In NY: “THIS WHOLE CASE IS SHAM,” “See you in Court — Monday morning.”
Trial opens today as realtors ridicule valuation of Mar-a-Lago cited by court…..


Wow. This video from inside the courtroom speaks volumes. Watch NY AG Leticia James stare at Trump. She looks like an obsessive creep. Then ...

“No One Is Safe”
Never forget what they did to us.

This video is a masterpiece and documents the people who have been complicit in crimes against humanıty.

All these journalists, scientists, and politicians belong on the defendants’ bench, because their ...

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