John, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) – the group behind almost all of the worst bills we’ve seen in the past decade – are gathering in D.C. this October to celebrate 50 years of extremism.
They want to use their corporate-funded influence to drown out everyday people like you and me – so we’re drowning them out by holding our own rally on the same day as their gala.
We need your voice in Washington, D.C. on October 4th to send an unmistakable message to ALEC and any corporation funding their corruption: we won’t tolerate their secretive plot to control our democracy!
WHAT: Stop ALEC Rally!
WHERE: In front of the National Portrait Gallery where ALEC is holding their gala, 8th St NW & G St NW, Washington, DC 20001
WHEN: Wednesday, October 4th at 5:30 p.m.
Here’s how ALEC corrupts our government: ALEC pays top dollar for direct access to lawmakers, and creates “model bills” that serve the ultra wealthy at the expense of people like you and me. Then, ALEC-backed legislators take the model bills and present them in their states’ legislative sessions – passing off the work as their own.
Let’s put this simply: ALEC is undermining our democracy by drowning out the voices of The People in favor of corporations.
But their reliance on secret corporate funding is a weakness. When everyday consumers like you and me know which corporations are powering ALEC’s corruption, we can hold those companies publicly accountable and force them to cut ties to save face.
Our rally will show ALEC and their corporate sponsors that we’re paying attention – and we won’t tolerate their anti-democratic attempts to roll back our rights.
Can you join us on October 4th to tell ALEC and their corporate sponsors to get their hands off our democracy?
Thanks for all you do,
Viki Harrison, Director of Constitutional Convention & Protect Dissent Programs
and the team at Common Cause