I’ve always felt that animals don’t ask for much.
Enjoying the warmth of the sun. Rolling around in grass. Welcoming the touch of a loving hand. Feeling safe, loved, and at peace.
But for millions of animals born on factory farms, this is a far cry from the life they’ll live.
Instead, they’re ripped away from their mothers. Trapped in cages so small they can barely move. And denied the simplest joys—the things that make their lives worth living.
It’s heartbreaking. It’s wrong.
And thanks to you, it’s changing.
Free from suffering. Free from fear.
Free to enjoy the fresh air and sunlight. Free to explore. And free to live the lives they deserve.
Our food system today is rife with fear, cruelty, and suffering. But I refuse to believe that’s all there is.
This World Farm Animals Day, I’m choosing to shape the future animals deserve. I’m choosing compassion. I’m choosing hope.
For the animals.
Will you join me?

Melody Hildebrandt
THL Board Member |