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Monday. October 2, 2023

Dear All,

Later today, Portland's City Council will consider Order 37 in order to decide whether or not to declare a temporary and geographically-limited State of Emergency in order to be able to expand - by 50 - the number of Emergency Shelter Beds at the Homeless Services Center.
This would increase available emergency shelter beds from 208 to 258 for a limited period of time starting in about a month.

Public health and safety impacts of encampments -- for those within -- and those nearby - are significant.
As a municipal government, Portland's city staff and City Council are looking for ways to expand access to emergency shelter beds within the approved FY24 Municipal Budget.

I believe Order 37 on tonight's Council agenda is a feasible action step in the right direction.
It's a near term expansion of emergency shelter beds. 
And...there will need to be many more solutions realized in order to achieve the comprehensive response needed.

Even if the Council chooses to go in this direction - the work continues....
We're navigating very complex problems that will require many solutions (housing, shelter, healthcare), partnerships, cooperation, funding and time.

Please let us know what you think about Order 37 - either by providing comment in person in Council Chambers or by emailing the full City Council at: [email protected].

Meeting start time 5:30pm - In Person at City Hall - live streaming is available here: Link to access "Meeting Media" for Livestream of Council Meeting 

Thank you for your engagement,
Kate Snyder

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Mayor Kate Snyder · 389 Congress St · Portland, ME 04101-3566 · USA