Inflation comes in at 3.5% in Fed's favored gauge | Wholesale inventories fall 0.1% in Aug., 0.9% from a year ago | SpartanNash drives growth via holistic ecommerce strategy
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October 2, 2023
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The personal consumption expenditures price index, the Federal Reserve's favored gauge of inflation, increased 0.4% in August from a month earlier and 3.5% on an annualized basis. Core PCE, which strips out food and energy, was up 3.9% from a year earlier and 0.1% from July, the smallest monthly increase since November 2020.
Full Story: The Hill (9/29),  CNN (9/29),  CNBC (9/29) 
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Wholesale inventories dipped 0.1% in August from a month earlier and fell 0.9% compared to August 2022, according to early federal estimates. Retail inventories jumped 1.1% in August. US imports dropped 1.2% and exports increased 2.2%, shrinking the trade deficit by 7.3%.
Full Story: MarketWatch (tiered subscription model) (9/29),  Seeking Alpha (9/29) 
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SpartanNash has taken a holistic approach to ecommerce and is forming partnerships with digital marketplaces to drive incrementality, says Matt Van Gilder, ecommerce and digital experience chief. "I think it's less about how profitable am I in this channel, but how can I leverage this channel to bring customers into our stores and in through our channels more often, more frequently and spending more," Van Gilder says.
Full Story: Winsight Grocery Business (9/26) 
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Operations and Technology
Innovations in produce packaging are prioritizing the use of sustainable and biodegradable materials as well as providing extended shelf life in order to reduce waste, and single-serve solutions are also becoming popular, said Rachel Young with Dole Food. Developing alternatives that reduce plastic use is another key focus, and Fresh Del Monte is in the process of reducing virgin plastic in its supply chain by 25% by 2025.
Full Story: Supermarket Perimeter (tiered subscription model) (9/28) 
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Shopify has invested an undisclosed amount to become a shareholder in wholesale platform Faire as part of Shopify's efforts to grow its business-to-business support for clients. Shopify will encourage its merchants to find wholesale customers on Faire's platform and will grant Faire sellers access to Shopify's point-of-sale system.
Full Story: Modern Retail (tiered subscription model) (9/27) 
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Slope, a startup that built an artificial intelligence-based business-to-business payments platform, raised $30 million in a funding round that included an investment from OpenAI CEO and co-founder Sam Altman. The company will use the new capital to bolster its team and further develop its technology.
Full Story: VentureBeat (9/28) 
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Sales and Marketing
Generative AI tools facilitate creativity, efficiency and productivity on YouTube, TikTok and other platforms, content creators say. They emphasize time-saving potential as well as the importance of compliance with data laws and policies around the world.
Full Story: Digiday (tiered subscription model) (9/28) 
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Sixty-eight percent of business-to-business professionals are using AI this year to increase operational efficiency, and ChatGPT, online activity analysis software and AI virtual assistants are the most popular tools, according to B2B Reviews. In addition, B2B buyer expectations include personalized experiences, always-on customer service, sustainability and social responsibility.
Full Story: MarketingProfs (free registration) (9/28) 
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The Business Leader
Survey: Half of job candidates back out after saying yes
Half of people reneged after accepting a job offer and went to work for another employer, while 47% who started a new job said they were still willing to hear other offers, according to a Gartner survey focusing on a one-year period starting in May 2022. "We are seeing many candidates uncommitted to their new employer and keeping one foot in the job market," says Gartner senior research director Jamie Kohn, who suggests employers have hiring managers meet with job candidates early and keep them engaged after they accept an offer.
Full Story: Society for Human Resource Management (tiered subscription model) (9/27) 
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