The Minnesota Department of Commerce Division of Energy Resources (The Department) requests proposals for an independent evaluator for the Minnesota Efficient Technology Accelerator (MN ETA or ?the program?), which is a Minnesota utility funded market transformation program enabled by Minnesota Statutes 216B.241, subdivision 14.? Minnesota Statutes 216B.241 subdivision 14(j) requires the Department to contract for an independent review of the program to determine if MN ETA meets the objectives and requirements of the governing statute and any criteria established by the Department as a condition of approval. Furthermore, this review may not be conducted by an entity or person that acted as a stakeholder or interested party, or otherwise participated in the program preparation, filing, or review process.? The contract is anticipated to be for four years resulting in multiple deliverables of which the primary deliverable will be a report detailing findings from the independent review of the 5-year MN ETA program, which the Department will deliver to the legislature, detailing the findings and recommendations from the review.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) and required forms will be available for download on the Department?s website https://mn.gov/commerce/industries/rfp/) through the deadline of Friday, December 11th at 4:00pm CT.?
?Applications must be submitted by no later than Friday, December 11th at 4:00pm CT.? Proposals Late proposals will not be considered. Instructions for submitting proposals are detailed in the RFP.
This request does not obligate the State to complete the work contemplated in this notice.? The State reserves the right to cancel this solicitation. All expenses incurred in responding to this notice are solely the responsibility of the responder.