The Never Trumpers won't stop until they blow up the plarty.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Trump-Hating ‘Conservative’ Donors Ramping Up Efforts to Urge Glenn Youngkin to Enter GOP Presidential Race
They don't call the Republican Party the “Stupid Party” for nothing. “Billionaire Thomas Peterffy told Costa that if Youngkin were to run, “the money would be there.”  Yeah, the money may be there but the votes wont be. Hopefully ...

Attorney General Ken Paxton: ‘Secret’ Texas Court Threw Out Nearly 1,000 Cases of Voter Fraud
There is conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact and the stolen election is conspiracy fact.

Ken Paxton Claims 'Secret' Texas Court Threw Out Nearly 1,000 Cases of Voter Fraud

By: Sarah Arnold | Town Hall, September 22, 2023:

Fresh off of ...

PERFECT: Hunter Biden Suggested Lobbying Corrupt Sen. Bob Menendez On Behalf Of Foreign Client, Emails Show Inbox
The Kleptocracy party. Crooks of a feather, extort together.

Related: Indicted for Bribery and Corruption NJ Senator Menendez Spent Years Helping Developer and Imam Behind Grotesque Ground Zero Mosque

Hunter Biden Suggested Lobbying Sen. ...

German family who sought asylum for homeschooling faces deportation after 15 years in US while MILLIONS pour across open US border
While millions of g-d knows who stream across our borders……the Romeikes were told during a routine check-in that their deferred status had been revoked. The family was given four weeks to apply for German passports, so they could be deported to ...

BETRAYAL: Speaker McCarthy CUT a Separate Deal on Ukraine Funding with Democrats
Matt Gaetz was right.

Speaker McCarthy made a side Ukraine deal with Democrats and didn’t tell House Republicans until after his Continuing Resolution passed.

Wow.@SpeakerMcCarthy made a side Ukraine deal with Democrats and didn’t tell ...

Jack Smith Runs to Judge Chutkan, Claims Trump Violated Terms of Release with Gun Photo
The Democrat apparatchiks are making Orwell's 1984 and Rand's Atlas Shrugged look soft and limpwristed.

“The fact that Jack Smith files frivolous motions with his favorite leftwing Democrat judge to silence presidential candidate Donald Trump ...

In Case You Forgot: The Accomplishments of President Trump
Just to name a few.

The Accomplishments of President Trump

Liberty Counsel (thanks to Amil Imani):

Since President Donald Trump took office on January 20, 2017, he has already become the most

pro-America, pro-business, pro-military, ...

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