Weekly Round Up
Quincy in the News

October 1, 2023

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Book Talk: Russia’s Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity in National Identity
Tuesday, October 3, 12:00-1:00 pm EDT

Featuring Andrei Tsygankov & Eurasia Director Anatol Lieven


Is U.S.–China Conflict Inevitable? A Debate Between Jake Werner and Michael Beckley
Wednesday, October 4, 1:00-2:00 pm EDT

Featuring Michael Beckley & Research Fellow Jake Werner; moderated by Board Member Jessica Tuchman Matthews



Iraq as It Is
By Senior Research Analyst Steven Simon & Deputy Middle East Director Adam Weinstein
Foreign Affairs, 9/27/23

Helping Iraq strengthen its state capacity is the best way to move toward a more normal, cordial U.S.-Iraqi relationship and to serve the interests of the Iraqi people—without compromising the United States’ own security.


Israel, Saudi Arabia Working to Establish Diplomatic Ties

Interview with Senior Research Analyst Steven Simon
CBS News, 9/27/23


Does America Need a $1 Trillion Pentagon Budget?
By Senior Research Fellow William Hartung

Forbes, 9/28/23

Even as Congress struggles to pass a budget and keep the government open, we need to set the stage for a thorough national conversation on how much is enough to defend the country, and what strategy is most likely to get us there.


Bankers & Bombs: How Venture Capital and Private Equity Are Feeding the Military Industrial Complex
Featuring Non-Resident Fellow Shana Marshall, Edward Ongweso Jr., & Jonathan Guyer; moderated by Senior Research Fellow William Hartung

Quincy Institute, 9/27/23



Twenty Years of Outsourced War by Suzy Hansen/ Cited: Quincy Institute, New York Review of Books, 10/19/23

The Worrying Democratic Erosions in South Korea by E. Tammy Kim/ Quoted: Acting East Asia Director Jake Werner, The New Yorker, 9/30/23

Invade Mexico? The GOP Has Learned Nothing From Iraq or Afghanistan by Max Boot/ Quoted: Non-Resident Fellow William LeoGrande, Washington Post, 9/29/23

Diplomacy Watch: Domestic Politics Continue to Challenge Ukraine’s Allies by Reporter Blaise Malley, Responsible Statecraft, 9/29/23

Senate Has Two Days to Right Menendez’s Wrongs on Egypt by Research Fellow Ari Tolany, Responsible Statecraft, 9/29/23

Should Russia's Talks With the Taliban Be a Cause for Concern for the West? by Estelle Nilsson-Julien/ Quoted: Eurasia Director Anatol Lieven, Euronews, 9/29/23

RADIO: Poland Disdains Ukraine as a "Drowning Man" - What Is to Be Done?, Interview with Eurasia Director Anatol Lieven, The John Batchelor Show/ CBS, 9/28/23

Bipartisan Effort to Ban Transfer of Cluster Munitions Fails by Reporter Blaise Malley, Responsible Statecraft, 9/28/23

Congress to Replace 2001 AUMF With … 2001 AUMF by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 9/28/23

Observers Raise Concerns About Potential U.S.-Brokered Saudi-Israel Normalization by Dale Gavlak/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Voice of America, 9/28/23

The Scrambled Spectrum of U.S. Foreign-Policy Thinking by Ash Jain/ Cited: Quincy Institute, Foreign Policy, 9/28/23

Key Obstacles Linger as Saudi Arabia, Israel Work on Normalization, Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Agence France-Presse, 9/28/23

Ukraine Aid Fight is Central to Government Shutdown Debate by Reporter Blaise Malley, Responsible Statecraft, 9/28/23

What the GOP Candidates Said About Ukraine in 4:39 Minutes by Editorial Director Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Responsible Statecraft, 9/28/23

Amid Optimism for Saudi-Israeli Pact, Lingering Obstacles Remain by Robbie Corey-Boulet/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Japan Times, 9/27/23

More Than Half of Americans Oppose U.S.-Saudi Deal, Study by David Edelson/ Cited: Quincy Institute/Harris Poll on U.S.-Saudi Defense Pact, YNET, 9/26/23

More Than Half of Americans Oppose a Defence Pact With Saudi Arabia, Poll Says by Staff/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Middle East Eye, 9/26/23

One Year Later, Why Is the Nord Stream Attack Still a Mystery? by Editorial Director Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Responsible Statecraft, 9/26/23

Ukraine-Poland Row Exposes History, Limits of Devotion by Eurasia Director Anatol Lieven, Responsible Statecraft, 9/26/23

WEBINAR: Book Talk: The Baltic States and Baltic Security in a Historical Context, Discussion with Charles Clarke & Eurasia Director Anatol Lieven, Quincy Institute, 9/25/23

Brazil is Showing Us How to Avoid a New Cold War by Non-Resident Fellow Andre Pagliarini & Global South Director Sarang Shidore, Responsible Statecraft, 9/25/23

Seeking Backup, Biden Struggles to Move the Needle With ‘Global South’ by Guy Taylor/ Quoted: Global South Director Sarang Shidore, The Washington Times, 9/24/23

The Mythology of Afghanistan as a Haven for Terrorism by Non-Resident Fellow Paul Pillar, The National Interest, 9/25/23

China's Economic Woes, Interview with Non-Resident Fellow Robert Ross, Boston College Chronicle, September '23


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