The Blood of El Paso Is on the Hands of the Trump/Pence Regime!
This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
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ROUND 2 of nationwide protests is popping up today TUESDAY AUGUST 6 in #Atlanta #Boston #Cleveland #Detroit #Houston. Time to declare: The Blood of El Paso is On The Hands of The Trump/Pence Regime! In the Name of Humanity, The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! This fascist regime needs to be driven from power NOW, 2020 is too late.
Be part of preparing to take to the streets & stay in the streets until the Trump/Pence Regime is driven from power.
> > Throw in $5 via Venmo @Refuse-Fascism
> > Donate online here
#trumppencemustgo #elpaso #trumpsterrorists #resigntrump #trumpresign
Tuesday August 6
Atlanta: 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm, Ponce De Leon and Moreland Ave. Facebook Event
Boston: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm, Park Street Station (Red Line), upstairs
Cleveland: 3:00 pm, Northwest corner of Euclid Heights and Coventry, Cleveland Heights. Facebook Event
Detroit: 5:00 pm at the corner of Joseph Campau and Belmont in Hamtramck.
Houston: 5:30 pm at the corner of Westheimer and Montrose
Wednesday August 7
Detroit: 6:00 pm at the corner of 9 Mile and Woodward in Ferndale, MI
Next?? Send your plans to [email protected]
Bring your anger, outrage and determination. Bring your signs and banners. Bring your whistles and noise makers.
- Immigrants Murdered – Repeated Mass Murder By Fascist White Supremacist Shooters
- Immigrants Murdered – Even Babies – In USA Concentration Camps On The Border
- Jews Mass Murdered In Synagogues
- And, The Mob Chants: “Send Them Back!” “Go Back” at TRUMP/PENCE Fascist Rallies
- Trump Rants Outright Racist Fascist Tropes: “Vermin.” "Infested." “Shithole Countries.”
Is It Not Time To Call It Like It Is And Act Accordingly?
It Must be Stopped NOW. 2020 is too late.
Join Us Today. Say it and Act it:
In the Name of Humanity: We REFUSE To Accept a Fascist America
We Demand: The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!
VIDEO from protest Monday, Union Square, New York City national team
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