From Daisy <[email protected]>
Subject Survival Sunday: October 1, 2023
Date October 1, 2023 12:29 PM
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Survival Sunday: October 1, 2023

Happy weekend, friends!

Survival Sunday is a personal note and a round-up of the week's news
and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared. This
curated collection of information is only available to email and Patreon

Have a great week ahead!




Good morning, friends!

I hope this first day of October finds you well. We're in the throes of
early autumn here in North Carolina, my favorite time of year. Of
course, this year, I'm mostly viewing it through my windows due to a
ruptured tendon in my ankle, but at least I'm surrounded by trees
outside of every single one.

And speaking of that, here's my ankle update: I had a follow-up visit
with the ankle specialist, and I was super excited when he praised the
great improvement. I was less excited when he told me I still have to
sit most of the time and limit walking and that if I do have to walk, I
must wear the big bulky immobilizer boot. I'm still in a lace-up brace
and limited in activity for the next month. I told him I intend to be
hiking again as soon as possible, and apparently, that feat (for my
feet, haha) is about five months away as long as I continue to strictly
adhere to protocols.

Cue frustrated *SCREAM* at having to spend the entire fall indoors. A
friend gave me an outdoor chair so at least I can sit outside. So that
helps a lot! Having to sit indoors at all times was a real bummer. If I
must sit, sitting outdoors is far less of a bummer.

The weather is cool at last, and my windows are open, letting in the
birdsong, the sound of the breeze, and the music of the raindrops
hitting the ground. My cat, strangely, has learned to chirp and sits on
my desk at a window all but covered by a giant bush, chirping at the
birds who live in the bush. I imagine if I were a bird, I'd find a cat
speaking my language quite unsettling.

All in all, life is good, and I'm trying to adapt to this slower pace. I
know it won't be forever, even if it feels that way right now.

Tomorrow is my youngest daughter's birthday, and she'll be coming over
for dinner and a small celebration. I've got a menu of all her favorite
foods planned, and I can't wait to see her. Normally, she's over here a
couple of times per week, but she had a housesitting job out of state
for the past few weeks, and I've missed her like crazy. I look forward
to spoiling her absolutely rotten for a day. I can't believe my baby is
turning 23! Like most moms, I wonder where the time went.

One area of life in which I am extremely fortunate is my close
relationship with my two daughters. There have been a couple of rough
patches - aren't there always? - but our small family is very
close-knit. We talk on the phone and we text many times per week, and we
visit in person as often as possible. My kids tell me that they feel
like they can tell me anything, and that is such a precious gift. In
return, I try to limit the advice-giving to times when they ask unless
it's really imperative. And even then, I give the advice and then let it
go because the surest way to drive away a loved one is by insisting they
do only what you want them to do. As a result, we have a wonderful bond
and truly enjoy one another's company.

It was a rather rambly personal note today, but I am making an effort
during this downtime to slow down and appreciate things more. I could
dwell on what I cannot do, or I can read that stack of books I've been
meaning to get to, and I can focus on the love I'm lucky enough to have.

Life really is good, even when some aspects of it are less than stellar.
How you feel about it is all about what you focus on. This is a lesson
we can take with us as times get harder. There's always, always
something to be grateful for, regardless of our difficulties.

Big hugs! I hope you all have a great week ahead!


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Here's some content from the previous week that you may find
* Now the Clintons Are Getting Involved in Ukraine

* Government Shutdown Looms Amid Gold Bribes and Vanishing Liquidity

* 'Trust the Experts': 1,600 Scientists Sign Declaration Denouncing
Climate Change Hoax

* SELCO: Strategy and Mobility Are the Most Important Preps for the SHTF

* " A CIA Front Organization": Revisiting EcoHealth COVID-19 Claims
After Fauci 'Influence' Campaign Bombshell

* Is World War III About To Start? Part II: Are The Military-Industrial
Complex & Deep State Driving Us To War?

* Who Will Be Affected by a Government Shutdown? Not Ukrainians, Just

* After Celebrating An Actual Nazi In Parliament, Trudeau Complains
About 'Russian Propaganda'

* Rickards: "It's Not Coming; It's Already Here"

* The "Trusted News Initiative" Is a Tool to Brainwash the World

* US To Keep Paying Salaries For Tens Of Thousands Of Ukrainians During
Government Shutdown
Washington will

****furlough American citizens****in the impending government

* " Events Are Moving Quickly Now" - Kunstler Warns Of Imminent
"Banquet Of Consequences" For Biden Admin

* A Philosophy to Help Us Through Difficult Times

* "Our System Is Collapsing In Real Time": Tucker Carlson Gives
Bombshell Interview

* While Barely Anyone Was Watching, Leaders At The UN Made A 7 Year
Agreement To Implement A Single Global Agenda

* 56 Survival Uses for Heavy-Duty Garbage Bags

* UAW Auto Strike Costs "Detroit 3" $250 Million In Lost Profit Every
Day, Will Lead To Much More Inflation

* Governments Start Calling For Price Controls - Rationing And CBDCs
Come Next

* GREAT NEWS! The New COVID Booster Is Here! Hello? HELLO????

* Bond Bloodbath Trounces Tech; Batters Bitcoin, Banks, & Bullion

* VP Kamala Harris Becomes Biden's 'Gun Czar' As War On Second
Amendment Goes In Overdrive

* Almost Half Of All Young Adults In The United States Are Living With
Their Parents

* Six Reasons Why Corporate Profits Will Fall 50%

* Globalism Is The Real Pandemic

* This Long Plotted World Takeover Scheme is More Advanced Than Any
Normal Human Can Fathom

* Lies, Damn Lies, and the Sierra Club

* CDC Refuses To Release Updated Information On Post-COVID Vaccination
Heart Inflammation

* Peter Schiff: The Entire Economy Is About to Implode

* Homes Are "Unaffordable" In 99 Percent Of U.S. Counties

* "Here's What's Really Going On": Elon Musk Livestreams Southern
Border Chaos

* 10 Numbers Which Prove That The U.S. Economy Has Hit A Major Pivot

* Americans Worried About A Credit Crunch; What Happens When Consumers
Can't Charge It?

* What U.S. taxpayers are getting for their money in Ukraine

* The Looming Economic Cauldron

* Life In America Has Never Been More Unaffordable Than It Is Right Now

* A Huge Backlash Against Globalism, Climate Change and Immigration
Madness Has Started

* Majority Of Carbon Offset Projects Globally Are "Likely Junk"

* Simon Black: Why Real Assets are a Safe Haven against Inflation

* Border Patrol Head Says Agency Cannot Protect U.S. Because They Are
Forced To Process So Many Illegals

* A Time Capsule From The 1930s: What's Different Now

* The Prepper's Ultimate Resource Bundle - on SALE this weekend

* How I built my ultimate 25 pound bug out bag

* Defensive Driving: Steer Clear of Disaster

* The Old Timers Were Tough.

* Intro to Butchering Meats at Home

* DO THIS With The Dandelions Growing Around Your House

* Shopping at Costco: Things to Consider Before Signing Up

* Why and how to wargame your emergency/disaster plans

* 6 Fall Activities To Do With the Family

* How to Store Emergency Food for the Longest Shelf Life

* What To Do If You're Trapped In Your Car

* 6 Most Profitable Animals To Raise On Your Property

* How To Eat For a Week From Your Pantry and $20

* 10 Mice Used to Test the Newest Pfizer Covid Jab

* Reducing Food Waste

* The Basics Of Hot Water Bath Canning.

* Cheap Recipes To Keep You Well Fed In The Next Crisis

* Urban Survival Gardening: A Guide for Beginners

* Take the Frugalite Skills Challenge: Frug Up for the Future

I hope you have a wonderful week ahead!



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