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Hey, True Texans!
Today I had to laugh. I was scrolling through the stats from last week's newsletter to you. Yes, I have visibility to who opens our emails! I went through the top 100 names... and I only recognized NINE of them! 9 out of 100! Do you know how incredible that is and what that says about the growth of our True Texas Army??? We are exploding! Conservative Texans are tired of taking it, and we are organizing to fight back. We are NOT fringe! Our ideas, values, and desires are mainstream and NORMAL. We've just got to band together to show our size and power. Spread the word! Invite friends. Continue to grow the army. You're doing a great job!
And speaking of doing a great job... We need help! Why is it so hard to fill the AV positions at all of our satellites??? Is it because we are all scared of technology? Come on - we can do this! No experience necessary, and it's not as hard as you may think. Here's a job description:
AV Tech:
Download our monthly videos and slides onto your laptop before the meeting
Plug your laptop into the venue's system using a provided HDMI cord.
At some venues we have to provide our own microphone set up. Plug in the speaker to the wall, and plug in the microphone cord to the speaker.
Press play to show the videos and slides at the appropriate time during the meeting. We provide you with a printed run-of-show.
Adjust volume as needed.
And here's a list of locations that need AV Coordinators:
NW Harris
Brazos Valley
Williamson County
Cross Timbers
back up in ALL locations
Can you volunteer? Or maybe you're looking for a way to get your teen plugged in?They love this stuff! Please reply to this email to let us know if you can help.
(Side note: emails in reply to these newsletters were not getting to me! On Wednesday I received 1,650 "lost" emails, but I worked diligently at them and had them all answered by Thursday! So if you somehow got missed and are still waiting for a response, please reply again, or you can always use [email protected] instead of [email protected]. Thank you for your patience!)
Challengers To the Dirty Dozen
We continue our effort to identify and challenge the Dirty Dozen Texas House members as highlighted in the documentary:
(Tip: If you haven't watched the documentary yet, do it! Just click the blue button above.)
We're featuring a challenger to the Dirty Dozen every week. Please visit their websites, donate and/or volunteer if you can, and show them some love on social media!
Week One: David Lowe, who is challenging Stephanie Klick
Week Two: Dennis London, who is challenging Justin Holland
Week Three: Mike Olcott, who is challenging Glen Rogers
Week Four: Andy Hopper, who is challenging Lynn Stucky
Week Five: David Covey, who is challenging Speaker Dade Phelan
This week we're featuring one that y'all have asked for repeatedly!
Wes Virdell is challenging one of the most despised Republican leaders of the Texas House (Andrew Murr), so it makes sense that you are so eager for him to be featured! While Murr has publicly declared war AGAINST conservatives in the GOP, Wes has a solid record of fighting FOR conservatives, including serving as the Texas Director for Gun Owners of America, running previously for Congress, and serving in the US Air Force. Let's show Wes Virdell some True Texas love! ❤️
Do you not live in any of these districts? Doesn't matter! We are a statewide organization, and we need to wield our statewide influence! Please do what you can to help. Did you know the NUMBER of supporters is often as important as the DOLLARS raised? In other words, even if you can only throw in $5 or $10, it's helpful! And everyone can help spread the word. Like their social media pages and share their posts!
Let Us Pray
Lord, please continue to call those You want to run in the 2024 Primary, and give our vetters wisdom in discerning which ones we should support. We as True Texans are willing and able to fight. Please give us Jericho-like instructions to follow so that we can fight in the Name of our Lord and not our human flesh. Thank You for Your victory in the Ken Paxton trial, and help our leaders in the latest special session regarding education. We trust You that Your angels are fighting the principalities and powers that want to corrupt our children. Tell us what we each of us need to do. WE WILL OBEY! In Your Holy Name, Amen
Fran's Lege Update
School Choice - To Be or Not To Be? We might find out soon in the 3rd special session of the 88th Legislature. That's what my Friday Message is about this week. Read the whole thing here, and get ready to defend your position - for or against - with the Texas Legislature. Be sure you are well informed on the real issues, and be prepared to know what you are supporting or opposing.
TTP Citizen Advocates will be on top of it, so watch for updates on what the #TXLege is doing this time around.
Stay Engaged! Fran, TTP President
PS from Julie - Fran's email this week is really, really good. Read it in the link she provided above!
2 Deadlines Approaching!
*The deadline to order your fan shirt for our Grassroots GameDay is Oct 13! (The game is Oct 28 and free). Get your t-shirt, and come to the game! Full details are here:
*The other deadline is to get tickets for our TTP reunion with the Sticklands at The Promise in Glenrose on Friday -- that's this week, Oct 6! Find full details and a link to get your tickets here:
We're arranging carpools and meeting for an early dinner beforehand, so reply to this email if you want to be included. Otherwise, just wear a TTP shirt, an NETTP shirt, or an old Stickland campaign shirt and find us there!
True Texans Taking Charge - Elections 2024
Here's a quick reminder about some of our election efforts thus far...
It's October already! Summer flew by, and we know that fall will be the same. Kick off the season at one of the fantastic socials we have going on this week! Or, you can find everythingwe're up to on our events page at this link.
Click on the images to enlarge them, or right click to save them for sharing!
Last week in my newsletter to you, I asked about what the minimum engagement should be for citizen activists. I'll share one good answer I received next week. For now, thanks for reading! If you have questions, tips, or encouragement for us, just reply to this email.
For The Love Of Texas! Julie McCarty, CEO on behalf of the True Texas team
PS. There's a 12-min video worth watching. And if you're like me, you watch it at double-time, so it's only 6 mins. If six minutes is too much, just watch the first half to cut it to 3 minutes! The beginning is about public education. The end is about the destruction of the family unit. It's really good. I can't remember who sent it to me, but thanks!
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