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Weekend Edition, September 30 - October 1, 2023


Total World Connections and Actions Expose the Evil Agenda of the One World Governance Plot

Gary D. Barnett

Western Governments Surrounding Russia Amidst Promises of Money

Helena Glass

Air Vax — The Latest mRNA Delivered Into Lungs

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Are Zelensky’s Days Numbered?

Chuck Baldwin

Armageddon or Separation?

Boyd D. Cathey

Stop Trying to ‘Contain’ China in Southeast Asia

Jeremy Powell

The Kennedy Assassination Scare and Its Haunting Resonance

Aaron Good


James Howard Kunstler

Who Will Be Affected by a Government Shutdown? Not Ukrainians, Just Americans.

Daisy Luther

Homes Are ‘Unaffordable’ in 99 Percent of U.S. Counties

Michael Snyder

The Psychology of Inflation

Charles Hugh Smith

People Are Dying for Inches in Ukraine, the ‘World’s Largest Arms Fair’

Caitlin Johnstone

Political Theatre

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