​​In a few hours, I’m facing my most important end-of-quarter FEC fundraising deadline of the campaign so far. After midnight tonight, we're required by federal law to show everyone how much our people-powered campaign has raised to defeat Lauren Boebert and finally kick her out of Congress.


​​In a few hours, I’m facing my most important end-of-quarter FEC fundraising deadline of the campaign so far. After midnight tonight, we're required by federal law to show everyone how much our people-powered campaign has raised to defeat Lauren Boebert and finally kick her out of Congress.

Right now, we’re only a few thousand dollars short of our $2.2 million online goal, so I have to ask: Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now – before our end-of-quarter FEC deadline at midnight tonight – to help me defeat Lauren Boebert?

Unlike Lauren Boebert, I’m not taking money from corporate PACs. Too many politicians have been corrupted by special interests who buy votes and buy access. That’s not our campaign.

Our campaign is funded by people, like you, giving an average of just $31. A people-powered campaign is what will help us counter the Super PAC lies and hold Boebert accountable. But I’m counting on your support now if we’re going to win.

We had the closest race in the entire country last year; in 2024, things could get even closer. And the political pundits are already predicting record levels of outside spending against me. We are so close to hitting our ambitious $2.2 million online goal, but time is running out before our end-of-quarter FEC deadline at midnight.

I’m asking you personally: Can you make a donation right now to my campaign – whatever amount you can afford before midnight tonight – to help me defeat Lauren Boebert and finally end her angertainment circus in Washington?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We’re so close to hitting our critical FEC fundraising goal. Let’s do it together and start this campaign strong!

Thank you for everything you do.

With gratitude -