Dear Friend,

Democrats are fighting for better health care, a stronger middle class, and for Washington to work for the people. This election will define the future of our nation, and we need a steady hand and unifying leader to unite our country and fight for every American. That’s why I’ve endorsed Vice President Biden and am supporting him in this election. I was proud of the Vice President's decisive victory tonight in South Carolina, and am ready to move on to California where I will also be on the ballot. 

I am hoping that we can ride this momentum to the Democratic National Convention, where I plan to vote for Vice President Biden to be our nominee. Will you join me in being a delegate at the convention? To be a candidate for delegate from California you must complete this form for the California Democratic Party by Tuesday. You will not be eligible to run to be a delegate if do not complete this form before March 3, 2020. 

One thing you don’t hear about in the news very often is that the Democratic primary is not just about winning votes, it’s also about winning delegates. Every state and territory will vote in a primary or caucus between February and June 2020. The results of these votes will determine the number of delegates each candidate wins. To win the Democratic Nomination for President of the United States, we need to win 1,990 delegates. As we win those delegates, we need people like you to be elected to fill those positions.

I urge you to register to be a delegate today so we can stand together in Milwaukee to nominate my friend Joe Biden to be the Democratic Nominee for President of the United States. 


John Garamendi


Paid for by Garamendi for Congress

Garamendi for Congress
219 Pennsylvania Ave SE, FL 3
Washington DC 20003 United States