Taxpayer, has a piglet ever screamed in your ear?
Do you know what that sounds like? Well, I’m ashamed to say that I do.
I experimented on pigs.
And I’ve been waiting 28 years to write you about the NIH 40 piglets.
In 1995, I participated in brutality you wouldn’t even wish on the worst human criminals.
That sound of a screaming pig is burned into my brain. It is a sound that changed my life.
You see, 28 years ago, I swore an oath: to deliver a devastating strike to the butchers in white lab coats who prey on animals.
That’s why I founded the White Coat Waste Project (WCW). My life’s mission is to get the U.S. government out of the pig business and deliver the death blow to these labs.
Now, I’m leading the emergency campaign to save 40 baby piglets from a maximum-pain death at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)!
Will you send help before 11:59 PM tonight?
Taxpayer, once I hoisted a small female pig upside down, by her hind legs.
When the professors instructed us to "restrain the specimen" against her will, we forcibly strapped her down. Then, we penetrated her skull with electrodes.
One frightened female pig urinated all over the cold table in fear, knowing these were the final moments of her awful life.
Trust me: that’s why you don't forget the sound of a piglet screaming in your ear—even a quarter century later.
It was a horrifying experience. But it’s also why I started the campaign to save the NIH 40!
Tonight’s midnight deadline will either be my greatest success or my greatest failure. It will go down one of two ways:
Taxpayer, right now—for the very first time in my career—I think we’re going to lose.
And we’re going lose for the worst possible (and totally avoidable) reason: not enough people are chipping in to help the NIH 40. Folks just don’t care about piglets.
Taxpayer, make no mistake about it: I know how to beat the NIH.
My campaigns have laid waste to more U.S. government animal experiments than anyone in recent history.
And shutting down wasteful spending at the NIH is my specialty:
My strategy is brutal. And brutally effective: Stop the Money. Stop the Madness!
I’m a winner above all else. But only when I have enough funds to de-fund and defeat the pig abusers.
Now, I have something else to tell you, Taxpayer
And what comes next may shock you.
You might not want to hear it. But you need to know it…
Dr. Anthony Fauci funded these max-pain tests on piglets.
You see, payout #ZIAAI001089 is via the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases—that’s Fauci’s former agency, NIAID. This ongoing project has received over $38 million in taxpayer funding since 2009.
However, midnight tonight is a rare opportunity to end it.
September 30th is the final day of the U.S. government’s fiscal budget. It’s the one day out of 365 in which intramural federal grants are up for review.
Fauci may have resigned as NIAID’s director, but his legacy of wasteful government spending on animal abuse is alive and worse than ever.
He’s also a very powerful man. The media is totally in the tank for him, and they’ll try to discredit our NIH 40 campaign.
I also know that our fundraising is way down. Look, most folks just don’t care as much about piglets as beagles.
Well, I do! And I know you do, too. So, on your behalf, I’ve devoted my life to saving these adorable piglets.
Taxpayer, please help me do it tonight!
However, unless our fundraising really picks up in the next few hours, NIAID will EXTERMINATE 40 more baby piglets.
The NIH 40 won’t get any anesthesia or pain relief!
I’ve been waiting 28 years to shut this lab down, Taxpayer.
Let’s win this together. Let’s win it for the NIH 40!
Let’s do it tonight.
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Anthony Bellotti President & Founder |
P.S. MIDNIGHT DEADLINE: I founded WCW out of my own pocket, on my own dime. And I know how to beat NIAID. I’m the guy who stopped their brutal tests on 6-month-old beagle puppies. But I can’t do it alone, and our fundraising is doing very poorly. So please chip in $5 (or even $10—just 25¢ per piglet!) before 11:59 PM tonight. Let’s save the NIH 40. Don’t forget: your generous gift will be doubled before the deadline! Thanks – AB.
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