My name is Josh Stein. I am a husband, a father, a proud North Carolinian, and the current Attorney General of our state. And I am running for Governor of North Carolina.
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I’m writing today with updates from the campaign trail, important news coming out of North Carolina (like how recent polling shows our campaign in a DEAD HEAT!), and appeals for a contribution to our campaign. And yes, this email will ask you to donate at the end. If you already know how important it is to hit our fundraising goal, you can click here to make a contribution.

Today, I wanted to let you know who I am and why I am in this tough race in the first place.

My name is Josh Stein. I am a father, a husband, a proud North Carolinian, and the current Attorney General of our state. And I am running for Governor of North Carolina.

For the past six and a half years as your Attorney General, I’ve taken on big fights for the people of North Carolina and won. I’ve worked hard to keep families safe, hold corporate wrongdoers accountable for the damage they’ve done to our people, make polluters pay to clean up the messes they make, and defend your reproductive and voting rights.

I’ve stood up to the radical right who are trying to take away our freedoms. Because the bottom line is this: North Carolina is a great place to live – and we must do everything we can to protect the state we love and the people who live here.

Now, I am running for Governor of North Carolina because we’re facing a real threat. My opponent Mark Robinson is a MAGA extremist who wants to tell you who you can love … and who you should hate.

Despite how wrong Robinson is for our state, we’re in a statistical dead heat in the polls.

We always knew this race would be a close one — statewide races in North Carolina always are. My team set a $75,000 online goal for this month, and hitting this number is crucial to our efforts to fight back against extremism in our state and win this election.

Today, I am asking for your help to hit my fundraising target and stay on track to hit my online goal. Please, click here or on a button below to split a donation between me and Josh Shapiro.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately. Your contribution will be split evenly between Josh Stein and Josh Shapiro.

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The future of our state is on the line, but with your help, we can continue to make progress for North Carolina and defeat extremism.

Thank you,

Josh Stein