October 2023


We are proud to announce that we will again be awarding mini-grants for wolf education and includes the promotion of non-lethal measures to minimize wolf conflicts.   

The due date for submission is December 31, 2023 and will be awarded in the amount up to $500. Click for more information and to DOWNLOAD the simple one page application.

PHOTO CREDIT Voyageurs Wolf Project Recipent of 2022 mini-grant



Today's youth is busy with school, activities, video games, friends and staying connected with their cell phone in their hands. Very few think about the plight of the wolf or other wildlife which is why we are looking for youth leaders.

Nicholas was nominated by Rebecca Christman, volunteer for the wildlife curriculum for homeschooled children. Nicholas is a 9th grader from Learning Haven. He has been learning about wildlife conservation and shared this article with his classmates

His initiative demonstrates leadership skills and his advocacy for

wildlife. Thank you, Nicholas for being a Youth Leader.  

If you would like to nominate a child or young adult as a Wolfwatcher Youth Leader send their information to [email protected]

PHOTO CREDIT Sandy Monville


On December 28, 1973, President Nixon signed into law the Endangered Species Act which had unanimous support in the Senate and only four dissenting votes in the House. Just one week later, the gray wolf was listed under the ESA.

While the wolf remains protected in most of the US, the threats continue. USFWS is expected to rule on wolf delisting in February, while dragging their feet on the decision to relist wolves in the Northern Rockies.

Bills have been introduced to remove the wolf through federal legislation which would return management to the states.

We have seen what happens to wolves under state management: hunting, trapping seasons have turned back the clock 100 years; state legislators ignore basic wolf biology; Governors appoint commissioners unfriendly to the wolf with no experience with biodiversity.

Become an informed voter. List the issues most important to you. We all want clean air to breath; untainted water to drink; know that our food is safe to eat; saving wild places and wildlife. We need science-based decisions without the influence of special interests.

Learn how your Senators and Congressmen/women and your state legislators vote on those issues. Do they share your values? Too often we hear, "all politicians are the same". They are not. 50 years ago Congress was united. Lets work to make that happen again.

As a non-profit, Wolfwatcher cannot lobby for or against any candidate. But, we can tell you that wildlife is a political football that gets tossed around and often used as a negotiating chip. It is our duty to research issues, read scientific publications which present unbiased facts. Many peer-reviewed documents, covering various topics can be found at our website resources tab. Share them; write letters to the editor; counter misinformation. If not you, then who will speak for the wolf?

Celebrate Wolf Awareness Week (October 15-21) by attending an event, contacting your representatives or even sharing factual information about wolves with someone.

Without YOU, our loyal supporters, the National Wolfwatcher Coalition would not exist. We are appreciative of your support throughout the past years and look forward to your continued support in the future! 

For the latest scientific information, please visit OUR WEBSITE and while there, you can shop at OUR STORE
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