From Ruben Gallego for Arizona <[email protected]>
Subject Humbly asking for $3 before midnight. Yes, just $3.
Date September 30, 2023 3:43 PM
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Friends -


That is the contribution Ruben Gallego is HUMBLY asking you to make before our deadline at midnight tonight. Yes, just $3. One time. Before midnight. Please.

$3 to help us catch up on the fundraising shortfall we’ve hit this month before our end-of-quarter fundraising deadline at midnight.

$3 because Kyrsten Sinema took in $1.6 million without breaking a sweat last quarter with a warchest of $11 million, and Kari Lake is going to announce her campaign next month.

$3 because after CNN named Arizona one of the top states to flip in 2024, Ruben will be a target for both and this campaign is funded by lots and lots of people giving $3.

Today, more than 1,500 people have given their $3, but we’re still short of our goals before our critical FEC deadline. So they’re really hoping you’ll join them and do the same. Please.

Can Ruben Gallego count on you to make your $3 contribution before our end-of-quarter fundraising deadline ends at midnight tonight?

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Thank you in advance for chipping in. It means the world to Ruben, and to our chances.

- Gallego for Arizona

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