I have just a few minutes between meetings, and I wanted to reach out because I’m in a tough situation.

U.S. Senator Chris Murphy

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I have just a few minutes between meetings, and I wanted to reach out because I’m in a tough situation and need your help before the official FEC deadline hits at midnight.

I had three big fundraisers planned this weekend to help me reach my third quarter fundraising goal. With a 51-49 margin in the Senate, we can’t take any seat for granted, and I also know the gun lobby and other special interests are going to spend big in my race.

But I had to cancel those fundraisers. Why? Because Republicans are trying to shut down the government, and I need to stay right here in DC to stop them. A shutdown is irresponsible and entirely avoidable, and my Democratic colleagues and I are here ready to vote right now on a compromise bill to fund the government. This is going to take my full attention, and it’s forced me to cancel any plans to raise money this weekend.

My hope was that if I explained the situation to you honestly that you would step up to help me make up the difference.

Look, I know you probably did not expect to make a contribution to my reelection when you woke up this morning, but I sincerely need your support.

If you can afford it, please make a contribution to my reelection before the FEC deadline. I would not ask if your support wasn’t truly important. There’s no way I can take on the important fight ahead of us alone.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly.

Unlike a lot of my colleagues in Washington, I really try to raise money the right way. Some of them are probably just texting a few of their PAC or corporate allies, asking for $5,000 checks, and calling it a day.

Our campaign is powered 100% by grassroots support — not a dime of PAC or corporate money. I believe that doing it this way makes elected officials and our party more responsive to the people.

If you agree that this is the right thing to do, please pitch in today to make sure we hit our goal before our numbers go public after the FEC deadline. Whether it’s $3, $6, or more, it makes a difference.

I cannot do this alone, so thank you for having my back.

Every best wish,




Paid for by Friends of Chris Murphy

Friends of Chris Murphy
PO Box 230987
Hartford, CT 06123

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